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Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present Book

Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present
Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present, From Margaret Atwood to Daisy Zamora, Simone de Beauvoir to Virginia Woolf, many of the world's greatest women writers have reflected upon one of humanity's most tragic and powerful experiences: war. Yet most of these writings are little known, just as wo, Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present has a rating of 5 stars
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Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present, From Margaret Atwood to Daisy Zamora, Simone de Beauvoir to Virginia Woolf, many of the world's greatest women writers have reflected upon one of humanity's most tragic and powerful experiences: war. Yet most of these writings are little known, just as wo, Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present
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  • Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present
  • Written by author Daniella Gioseffi
  • Published by Feminist Press at CUNY, The, March 2003
  • From Margaret Atwood to Daisy Zamora, Simone de Beauvoir to Virginia Woolf, many of the world's greatest women writers have reflected upon one of humanity's most tragic and powerful experiences: war. Yet most of these writings are little known, just as wo
  • A timely collection by a brilliant assemblage of writers reveals women's unique perspectives on war.
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Dedication and Acknowledgments
Introduction: Cassandra's Daughters
Pt. 1Prophecies and Warnings
Lament to the Spirit Of War3
Patriotism as a "Menace to liberty"4
Militarism as a Province of Accumulation5
O Earth, Unhappy Planet Born to Die6
From The Face of War7
The Progress10
Declaration of Love11
Is There a Difference Between Men and Women and What If (This Week)12
Children of the Epoch14
The Nightmare Factory15
From Cassandra17
From Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War20
From Dark Fields of the Republic: Six Narratives23
Words Spoken by Pasternak During a Bombing27
From The New Nuclear Danger28
From Blood Rites: The Religion of War41
Among Tall Buildings49
The Fifties52
At Ground Zero in Hiroshima53
To the Soldiers of El Salvador54
Sex and Death and the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals56
Bioterror and Biosafety69
From Misogynies: Crawling from the Wreckage70
Women and Conflict: A Serbian Perspective80
A Pure, High Note of Anguish86
Why Missile Defense Will Not Make Us Safer88
The Algebra of Infinite Justice90
Pt. 2Violence and Mourning
From Song of pathos and Wrath and Eighteen Verses in Hun's Flute Melody101
Elegy for My Brother104
The War of 1793104
From Hospital Sketches105
The First Long Range Artillery Fire on Leningrad107
From Not So Quiet ...107
From All Said and Done111
From The War115
The Son of Man116
Face Lost in the Wilderness118
From The Wind Blows Away Our Words120
Death in Slow Motion127
The Star Obscure131
The War131
From Camp Notes133
Eyes of an Afghan Child136
Hellish Years After Hellish Days137
Viet Minh and Famine142
From Comfort Woman144
Songs of Bread and An Armenian Looking at Newsphotos of the Cambodian Deathwatch147
The Enemy Army Has Passed Through149
The Colonization of Our Pacific Islands149
From Sorrow Mountain151
It's Not the Fear of Shivering157
The Bombing of Baghdad158
From Maneuvers161
"Don't Speak the Language of the Enemy!" and The Exotic Enemy165
From The Price of Freedom170
From Beyond the Limbo Silences173
Certain Winds from the South175
Report from Vietnam for International Women's Day181
"The Situation in Soweto Is Not Abnormal"181
Friend and Foe and To One in Beirut182
The Blood of Others184
Morning in the Park Among the Nannies185
From Boys in Zinc193
From S.: The Camps - Bosnia200
From The Other Side of Silence203
From A Girl Soldier's Story207
The Impact of Genocide on Women212
Pt. 3Courage and Resistance
The Deliverance of Argos217
A National Crime219
From Women and Labour: Women and War221
Finnish Champion223
The Women Take a Hand224
Verses To Chekia228
The Drought Breaks229
Political Activism and Art232
Kathe Kollwitz234
The Artist's Rebellious Integrity238
And Still I Rise240
Memory Says Yes241
From Sula242
The Parachutist's Wife247
Nuclear Bomb Testing on Human Guinea Pigs249
I Am Your Horse in the Night252
From The House of the Spirits: The Hour of Truth255
Blind, Unpredictable Terror261
They Followed Us into the Night262
Guatemala, Your Blood263
If Someone Else Is Suffering267
The Bath272
From The Stones Cry Out: A Cambodian Childhood275
I'll Never Return283
For the Women of Afghanistan283
We Are All Women in Black287
Pt. 4Hope and Survival
To an Army Wife in Sardis293
From Peace and Bread in Time of War293
Yes to the Earth295
Free Women Blooming from Old Battlefields296
In Defense of the United Nations297
I Have All the Passion of Life299
Women Know a Lot of Things301
Making Peace and What It Could Be304
On a Japanese Beach306
From Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered307
The Future309
The Spoils of War313
Ghosts and Echoes: Letter from Ground Zero315
A Forgiving Land321
My Son's Childhood324
Holding the Line at Greenham Common: On Being Joyously Political in Dangerous Times325
Only Justice Can Stop a Curse333
Black Woman336
Letter to an Iraqi Woman337
Women and Ecology340
Black Hills Survival Gathering, 1980344
A New Dawn in Town346
Song of Hope and When We Go Home Again346
A Time of Cannons Comes Flying347
Tough Love350
Select Bibliography357
Sources and permission Credits/Author Index365
Subject/Geographic Index373













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Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present, From Margaret Atwood to Daisy Zamora, Simone de Beauvoir to Virginia Woolf, many of the world's greatest women writers have reflected upon one of humanity's most tragic and powerful experiences: war. Yet most of these writings are little known, just as wo, Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present

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Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present, From Margaret Atwood to Daisy Zamora, Simone de Beauvoir to Virginia Woolf, many of the world's greatest women writers have reflected upon one of humanity's most tragic and powerful experiences: war. Yet most of these writings are little known, just as wo, Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present

Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present

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Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present, From Margaret Atwood to Daisy Zamora, Simone de Beauvoir to Virginia Woolf, many of the world's greatest women writers have reflected upon one of humanity's most tragic and powerful experiences: war. Yet most of these writings are little known, just as wo, Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present

Women on War: An International Anthology of Writings from Antiquity to the Present

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