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Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention Book

Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention
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Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention, This book examines the justifications for, and practice of, war by the US since 1990, and examines four case studies: the Gulf War, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. The author undertakes an examination of presidential speeches and public documents from th, Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention
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  • Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention
  • Written by author Nicholas Kerton-Johnson
  • Published by Taylor & Francis, Inc., 7/28/2010
  • This book examines the justifications for, and practice of, war by the US since 1990, and examines four case studies: the Gulf War, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq. The author undertakes an examination of presidential speeches and public documents from th
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1. Introduction 2. Setting the Context: Intervention and Norms in International Society 3. The Gulf War 4. The Kosovo Intervention 5. The Intervention in Afghanistan 6. The Iraq War 7. Conclusion









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Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention, This book examines the justifications for, and practice of, war by the US since 1990, and examines four case studies: the Gulf War, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq.
The author undertakes an examination of presidential speeches and public documents from th, Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention

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Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention, This book examines the justifications for, and practice of, war by the US since 1990, and examines four case studies: the Gulf War, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq.
The author undertakes an examination of presidential speeches and public documents from th, Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention

Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention

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Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention, This book examines the justifications for, and practice of, war by the US since 1990, and examines four case studies: the Gulf War, Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq.
The author undertakes an examination of presidential speeches and public documents from th, Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention

Justifying America's Wars: The Conduct and Practice of US Military Intervention

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