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Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790 Book

Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790
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Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790, The book is a study of the police and criminal justice in eighteenth-century France, and of the crimes and disorders the authorities had to contain. It is concerned with two provinces - the Auvergne, in the mountainous centre, and the Guyenne, the hinterl, Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790
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  • Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790
  • Written by author Cameron, Iain A
  • Published by Cambridge University Press, 2008
  • The book is a study of the police and criminal justice in eighteenth-century France, and of the crimes and disorders the authorities had to contain. It is concerned with two provinces - the Auvergne, in the mountainous centre, and the Guyenne, the hinterl
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1. A cheap police force; 2. Police recruitment and discipline; 3. The maréchaussée at work; 4. the prévôtal court; 5. Theft; 6. Violence; 7. Rebellion and riot; 8. The maréchaussée in Revolution, 1789–1790.









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Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790, The book is a study of the police and criminal justice in eighteenth-century France, and of the crimes and disorders the authorities had to contain. It is concerned with two provinces - the Auvergne, in the mountainous centre, and the Guyenne, the hinterl, Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790

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Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790, The book is a study of the police and criminal justice in eighteenth-century France, and of the crimes and disorders the authorities had to contain. It is concerned with two provinces - the Auvergne, in the mountainous centre, and the Guyenne, the hinterl, Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790

Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790

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Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790, The book is a study of the police and criminal justice in eighteenth-century France, and of the crimes and disorders the authorities had to contain. It is concerned with two provinces - the Auvergne, in the mountainous centre, and the Guyenne, the hinterl, Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790

Crime and Repression in the Auvergne and the Guyenne, 1720-1790

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