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Physical Optics Book

Physical Optics
Physical Optics, Based on a course offered at Moscow State University, this text comprehensively presents the fundamentals of modern physical optics. The concepts of classical and quantum radiation theories, nonlinear physics, statistics, and Fourier transformations are s, Physical Optics has a rating of 3 stars
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Physical Optics, Based on a course offered at Moscow State University, this text comprehensively presents the fundamentals of modern physical optics. The concepts of classical and quantum radiation theories, nonlinear physics, statistics, and Fourier transformations are s, Physical Optics
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  • Physical Optics
  • Written by author S. A. Akhmanov
  • Published by Oxford University Press, USA, June 1997
  • Based on a course offered at Moscow State University, this text comprehensively presents the fundamentals of modern physical optics. The concepts of classical and quantum radiation theories, nonlinear physics, statistics, and Fourier transformations are s
  • Based on a course offered at Moscow State University, this text comprehensively presents the fundamentals of modern physical optics. The concepts of classical and quantum radiation theories, nonlinear physics, statistics, and Fourier transformations are s
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1Optical waves in vacuum3
2Polarization of light21
3Light energy40
4The pressure of light53
5Classical radiation physics67
6Emission from an oscillator ensemble78
7A linear oscillator in an optical field95
8A non-linear oscillator in an optical field116
9Thermal radiation137
10The laser159
11The interference of light183
12The coherence of light211
13The diffraction of light226
14The diffraction of paraxial beams258
15Diffraction in the far-field zone280
16Diffraction by periodic structures294
17The analysis, transformation, and synthesis of optical fields315
18The physics of the interaction of light with matter349
19Optical waves in linear isotropic media362
20Optical phenomena at a boundary between two media386
21Optics of anisotropic media403
22Non-linear optics439
23Theoretical non-linear optics461









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Physical Optics, Based on a course offered at Moscow State University, this text comprehensively presents the fundamentals of modern physical optics. The concepts of classical and quantum radiation theories, nonlinear physics, statistics, and Fourier transformations are s, Physical Optics

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Physical Optics, Based on a course offered at Moscow State University, this text comprehensively presents the fundamentals of modern physical optics. The concepts of classical and quantum radiation theories, nonlinear physics, statistics, and Fourier transformations are s, Physical Optics

Physical Optics

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Physical Optics, Based on a course offered at Moscow State University, this text comprehensively presents the fundamentals of modern physical optics. The concepts of classical and quantum radiation theories, nonlinear physics, statistics, and Fourier transformations are s, Physical Optics

Physical Optics

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