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In Loving Memory of Linda Sobek

Born July 9, 1968 - Passed Away November 16, 1995

Linda Sobek

This memorial website was created in the memory of Linda Sobek , born in Los Angeles, California on July 9, 1968 and passed away on November 16, 1995 at 27 years of age.

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Linda Sobek was born on July 9, 1968 in the USA. She died on November 16, 1995 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Linda was murdered by photographer Charles Rathbun.

November 16, 1995 started off as a great day for 27-year-old Linda Elaine Sobek. She had recently scored a role on the popular sitcom “Married With Children,” which she felt would kickstart the acting career she was yearning for. In the meantime, the modeling career she had begun after graduating from Cerritos Community College and during her five-year stint as a Los Angeles Raiderette cheerleader (in which she was named Raiderette of the Year during her third year) not only paid the bills but had kicked into high gear. At only five-foot-four, Linda wasn’t tall enough to be a high fashion model but her pretty looks and her curvy size-three figure got her “body model” work, where she graced swimwear layouts, calendars, car magazines, catalogs, beer posters and Frederick’s of Hollywood. Sadly, this great day ended in her untimely death.

Full name: Linda Sobek

Born: July 9, 1968

Passed away: November 16, 1995

Age: 27 years of age

Birthplace: Los Angeles, California, USA

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