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In Loving Memory of Laura Antonelli

Born November 28, 1941 - Passed Away June 22, 2015

Laura Antonelli

This memorial website was created in the memory of Laura Antonelli , born in Pola on November 28, 1941 and passed away on June 22, 2015 at 74 years of age.

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Laura Antonelli was an Italian film actress. Laura Antonelli was born Laura Antonaz in the city of Pola , which was then the Italian district of Istria . Originally trained in Naples to teach physical education, Antonelli first appeared in Italian advertisements for Coca Cola and made her first film in 1965, followed by her American debut, Dr. Goldfoot and the Girl Bombs . Other roles followed; her breakthrough came in 1973's Malizia. She would appear in a number of sex farces such as Till Marriage Do Us Part . She worked in more serious films as well: "L'Innocente/The Innocent" , and "Mogliamante/Wifemistress" , as a repressed wife experiencing a sexual awakening. Later she appeared in "Passione d'Amore" . Antonelli's most recent role was in the sequel "Malizia 2mila" . She won the David di Donatello prize in 1973 and 1981 and the Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists Award, Nastro d'Argento in 1974. In May 1991, cocaine was found during a police raid on Antonelli's home. She was subsequently convicted of possession and dealing and sentenced to house arrest. She spent ten years appealing the conviction which was eventually overturned. In Ghostbusters II , Bill Murray's character, Peter Venkman, asks Oscar the baby if he wants to watch some Laura Antonelli tapes.

Full name: Laura Antonelli

Born: November 28, 1941

Passed away: June 22, 2015

Age: 74 years of age

Birthplace: Pola, Italy

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