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In Loving Memory of Jerry Falwell

Born August 11, 1933 - Passed Away May 15, 2007

Jerry Falwell

This memorial website was created in the memory of Jerry Falwell , born in Lynchburg, Virginia on August 11, 1933 and passed away on May 15, 2007 at 74 years of age.

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Dr. Falwell was a fundamentalist Christian pastor and televangelist from the United States who preached getting back to the basics of the Christian faith, with the Bible as a life's guide and a resource of absolute truth. He will be missed by many born again believers around the world.

As the founding pastor of the Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Virginia, he was a strong and politically active pastor, co-founding the "Moral Majority" in 1979, Liberty University in 1971, the Elam Home for alcohol and drug dependent men, and the Liberty Godparent Home, a ministryto women and girls dealing with crisis pregnancies.

He has been a respected leader among Bible-believing, independent, local church-oriented, Baptist "fundamentalists" and led services at Thomas Road Baptist Church, a church with a massive membership in Lynchburg, Virginia. He changed affiliations from the more traditional Baptist Bible Fellowship International to the mainly conservative Southern Baptist Convention, and, towards the end of his life, focused more on Christian evangelicalism and less on fundamentalism.

Although a controversial figure to some, no one can doubt the sincerity of his beliefs and the fervor with which he shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He served God with all of his being and now enjoys his eternal reward. May he rest in peace, in the arms of the Lord, forever.

Full name: Jerry Falwell

Born: August 11, 1933

Passed away: May 15, 2007

Age: 74 years of age

Father: Carey H. Falwell

Mother: Helen V. Beasley

Birthplace: Lynchburg, Virginia, USA

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