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The Inbetween People Book

The Inbetween People
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The Inbetween People, As Avi Goldberg, the son of a Jewish pioneer, sits in a military prison in the Negev desert, he fills his nights writing about his friend Saleem, an Israeli Arab, and Saleem's family, whose loss of their ancestral home in 1948 cast a shadow over their liv, The Inbetween People
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  • The Inbetween People
  • Written by author Emma McEvoy
  • Published by Permanent Press, The, 1/28/2013
  • As Avi Goldberg, the son of a Jewish pioneer, sits in a military prison in the Negev desert, he fills his nights writing about his friend Saleem, an Israeli Arab, and Saleem's family, whose loss of their ancestral home in 1948 cast a shadow over their liv
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As Avi Goldberg, the son of a Jewish pioneer, sits in a military prison in the Negev desert, he fills his nights writing about his friend Saleem, an Israeli Arab, and Saleem's family, whose loss of their ancestral home in 1948 cast a shadow over their lives. Avi and Saleem believe the past can be buried, reduced to nothing. But then September 2000 comes and war breaks out—endless, unforgiving, filled with loss. As the Intifada rips their peoples apart, they learn that war devours everything—even seemingly insignificant, utterly mundane things—and that sometimes, if you do not speak of these things, they are lost to you forever.









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The Inbetween People, As Avi Goldberg, the son of a Jewish pioneer, sits in a military prison in the Negev desert, he fills his nights writing about his friend Saleem, an Israeli Arab, and Saleem's family, whose loss of their ancestral home in 1948 cast a shadow over their liv, The Inbetween People

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The Inbetween People, As Avi Goldberg, the son of a Jewish pioneer, sits in a military prison in the Negev desert, he fills his nights writing about his friend Saleem, an Israeli Arab, and Saleem's family, whose loss of their ancestral home in 1948 cast a shadow over their liv, The Inbetween People

The Inbetween People

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The Inbetween People, As Avi Goldberg, the son of a Jewish pioneer, sits in a military prison in the Negev desert, he fills his nights writing about his friend Saleem, an Israeli Arab, and Saleem's family, whose loss of their ancestral home in 1948 cast a shadow over their liv, The Inbetween People

The Inbetween People

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