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The Best of Witness, 1987-2004 Book

The Best of Witness, 1987-2004
The Best of Witness, 1987-2004, The Best of Witness, 1987-2004 Book, The Best of Witness, 1987-2004 has a rating of 3 stars
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The Best of Witness, 1987-2004, The Best of Witness, 1987-2004 Book, The Best of Witness, 1987-2004
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  • The Best of Witness, 1987-2004
  • Written by author Peter Stine
  • Published by Michigan State University Press, May 2008
  • Witness is a literary magazine that, over the course of its twenty years of publication, has earned a reputation as "the writer's literary journal." It publishes, with very little fanfare and lots of word-of-mouth recommendation, the very best writers of
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Oxygen Ron Carlson Carlson, Ron 10

English as a Second Language Lucy Honig Honig, Lucy 33

Newborn Is Thrown in Trash and Dies John Edgar Wideman Wideman, John Edgar 45

My Dog Roscoe Bonnie Jo Campbell Campbell, Bonnie Jo 53

Jerry's Kid Robert Schirmer Schirmer, Robert 67

The Immaculate Conception John Addiego Addiego, John 73

Berna's Place Jane McCafferty McCafferty, Jane 79

The Tub Lex Williford Williford, Lex 101

Jackson Stillwell Richard Currey Currey, Richard 116

Inside Graciella Gonzales Charlotte Forbes Forbes, Charlotte 125

The Wavemaker Falters George W. Saunders Saunders, George W. 137

Bodysurfing Richard Burgin Burgin, Richard 144

The Girl with the Blackened Eye Joyce Carol Oates Oates, Joyce Carol 155

Downstream Janet Kauffman Kauffman, Janet 166

The Torturer's Apprentice John Biguenet Biguenet, John 172

Hockey Angels Peter LaSalle LaSalle, Peter 179

Wader Man William Loizeaux Loizeaux, William 187


Building Gary Snyder Snyder, Gary 200

On Wanting to Grow Horns Amy Gerstler Gerstler, Amy 202

Buddha, Christ & the Clock Gary Soto Soto, Gary 204

A Walker in the City Alicia Ostriker Ostriker, Alicia 206

When Threshing Time Ends Robert Bly Bly, Robert 209

Mortal Shower Bob Hicok Hicok, Bob 210

The Waitress Angels Speak to Me in a Vision Jan Beatty Beatty, Jan 212

She Wipes Out Time Tess Gallagher Gallagher, Tess 214

A Summer Afternoon Mary Oliver Oliver, Mary 217

Homo Will Not Inherit Mark Doty Doty, Mark 218

Don't Mention It Michael Casey Casey, Michael 222

The Road to Son Tay Kevin Bowen Bowen, Kevin 223

Rabbit Hole Laura Kasischke Kasischke, Laura 224

Ararat Stuart Dybek Dybek, Stuart 226

Pantoum,with Swan Maxine Kumin Kumin, Maxine 227

Wrestling with Each Other Albert Goldbarth Goldbarth, Albert 228

The Psychic Detective: Fantasy Ai 232

Eddie John Balaban Balaban, John 235

The Animals of America Stephen Dunn Dunn, Stephen 236


The Big Game Peter Najarian Najarian, Peter 238

Apologia Barry Lopez Lopez, Barry 251

The Clan of One-breasted Women Terry Tempest Williams Williams, Terry Tempest 256

Jessica, the Hound & the Casket Trade Thomas Lynch Lynch, Thomas 263

Son of a Gun Josip Novakovich Novakovich, Josip 273

Notes from the Country Club Kimberly Wozencraft Wozencraft, Kimberly 284

The Abstract Wild Jack Turner Turner, Jack 294

Saturday Night, and Sunday Morning James Alan McPherson McPherson, James Alan 311

Chicken 81 Sarah L. Courteau Courteau, Sarah L. 319

Franz Kafka, Metamorphosis, and the Holocaust Peter Stine Stine, Peter 326

Zip Floyd Skloot Skloot, Floyd 345

Raging Waters Brenda Miller Miller, Brenda 358

Notes on Contributors 363













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