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Book Categories |
Prefatory Note | 11 | |
Dedicatory Poem: Patria abnegada | 12 | |
Dedicatory Poem: My Martyred Homeland | 13 | |
Foreword | 16 | |
Ars Poetica | 22 | |
Ars Poetica | 23 | |
Visitas nocturnas | 24 | |
Nocturnal Visits | 25 | |
Los rios | 26 | |
The Rivers | 27 | |
Carmen Bomba | 30 | |
Carmen Bomba: Poet | 31 | |
Desde el puente | 32 | |
From the Bridge | 33 | |
What's Happening | 40 | |
I Applied for the Board | 43 | |
Who Understands Me But Me | 44 | |
Ah Rain! | 46 | |
Steel Doors of Prison | 47 | |
La sangre de otros | 48 | |
The Blood of Others | 49 | |
In Memoriam | 50 | |
In Memoriam | 51 | |
Conjuncion | 54 | |
Conjunction | 55 | |
Nicaragua | 58 | |
Nicaragua | 59 | |
Ya no | 60 | |
No More | 61 | |
Incoming | 62 | |
Playing Basketball with the Viet Cong | 63 | |
Gelatin Factory | 64 | |
In the Village of Yen So | 66 | |
Banking Lesson, 1970 | 67 | |
A Julia de Burgos | 68 | |
To Julia de Burgos | 69 | |
Las voces de los muertos | 72 | |
The Voices of the Dead | 73 | |
Ecologia | 80 | |
Ecology | 81 | |
Las loras | 84 | |
The Parrots | 85 | |
Las campesinas del Cua | 86 | |
The Peasant Women from Cua | 87 | |
Hartford Daylight | 90 | |
To a Cautious Poet | 91 | |
Frente al balance, manana | 92 | |
Before the Scales, Tomorrow | 93 | |
Intelectuales apoliticos | 94 | |
Apolitical Intellectuals | 95 | |
Vamonos patria a caminar | 98 | |
Let's Go, Country | 99 | |
Amelia, Mrs. Brooks of My Old Childhood | 106 | |
Para un mejor amor | 116 | |
Toward a Better Love | 117 | |
Como tu | 120 | |
Like You | 121 | |
Sobre el negocio biblico | 122 | |
On Biblical Business | 123 | |
La certeza | 124 | |
The Certainty | 125 | |
La tumba de Buenaventura Roig | 126 | |
La tumba de Buenaventura Roig | 127 | |
Federico's Ghost | 130 | |
El fantasma de Federico | 131 | |
Jorge the Church Janitor Finally Quits | 134 | |
Por fin renuncia Jorge el conserje de la iglesia | 135 | |
The Scientist | 138 | |
Neighborhood Watch | 139 | |
Sea of Tranquility | 140 | |
Among The Yurok | 141 | |
9:40pm | 142 | |
3:45am | 143 | |
Human Interlude | 144 | |
In Memoriam, Ray Thompson (1943-1990) | 145 | |
Undone Day | 147 | |
Haiti | 149 | |
This Neruda Earth | 151 | |
De repente | 152 | |
All of a Sudden | 153 | |
Refranes | 156 | |
Proverbs | 157 | |
Blood Knot | 158 | |
Mastectomy | 159 | |
Le nageur noir traverse les profondeurs bleues | 160 | |
a black swimmer crosses blue depths of underwater | 161 | |
Le grand guignol du pays ou Le pays du grand guignol | 162 | |
The Grand Guignol of Countries or Country of The Grand Guignol | 163 | |
The Meadow | 164 | |
Cash Register | 165 | |
Ordinary Human Arms | 167 | |
fillmo'e street woman | 168 | |
the blood of Colorado miners | 171 | |
you northamerican poets | 172 | |
there will be a time | 173 | |
maybe because I stand behind | 174 | |
Histories: Part I Europe and America | 175 | |
Histories: Part II |
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Add Poetry Like Bread, Poetry Like Bread contains poems by nearly forty poets published by the Curbstone Press during the last twenty years. These poets are probably unlike any you have studied. Their engagement with everyday political and economic realities is as direct, Poetry Like Bread to the inventory that you are selling on WonderClubX
Add Poetry Like Bread, Poetry Like Bread contains poems by nearly forty poets published by the Curbstone Press during the last twenty years. These poets are probably unlike any you have studied. Their engagement with everyday political and economic realities is as direct, Poetry Like Bread to your collection on WonderClub |