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Orson Scott Card Book

Orson Scott Card
Orson Scott Card, From a precocious childhood, through practice at playwriting in college, early writing, and life-experiences from the mission field in Brazil to unemployment crises back in the USA, Orson Scott Card has become an established writer. He is best known for h, Orson Scott Card has a rating of 2 stars
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Orson Scott Card, From a precocious childhood, through practice at playwriting in college, early writing, and life-experiences from the mission field in Brazil to unemployment crises back in the USA, Orson Scott Card has become an established writer. He is best known for h, Orson Scott Card
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  • Orson Scott Card
  • Written by author Edith S. Tyson
  • Published by Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., November 2003
  • From a precocious childhood, through practice at playwriting in college, early writing, and life-experiences from the mission field in Brazil to unemployment crises back in the USA, Orson Scott Card has become an established writer. He is best known for h
  • An appreciation of the works of Orson Scott Card (author of Ender's Game) in science fiction, fantasy, Biblical fiction, mystery, and other works, both shorter and long, down to the year 2003. Card's faith and his ethical orientation are emphasized.
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From a precocious childhood, through practice at playwriting in college, early writing, and life-experiences from the mission field in Brazil to unemployment crises back in the USA, Orson Scott Card has become an established writer. He is best known for his novel Ender's Game. But, provocative as this book is, with its supreme ethical dilemma at the climax, and even though it has given birth to two sets of sequels (The Speaker Trilogy and The Shadow Books), it should not be regarded as Card's only great work. Card is completing a series set in a fantastic, and alternate, North America: The Tales of Alvin Maker, a saga that shows the struggle of good and evil as you never saw it before. He has daringly done a saga of humanity on a distant planet governed by a supercomputer, rediscovering its home of origin, Earth: The Homecoming Series. And, with Kathryn Kidd, he has begun a trilogy in which humans manufacture their own aliens, by giving animals intelligence: The Mayflower Trilogy. He has reached out into Biblical fiction. He wrote about Moses and the Exodus three decades ago as a musical play, and now has redone it as a novel. Among his most recent books are the Women of Genesis series, at once original yet faithful to the Biblical model. He writes about his own denomination, the Latter-Day Saints (Mormons), in the past, the present age, and the future. We discover how a singing voice can be a weapon, or how a young woman can lead a quest. He can be masterful at ghost-story suspense; in time travel, he can show love transcending time, or he can recreate centuries of history. He is best known for novels and novel-series, yet some of his best work is in novellas, novelettes, or short stories. Through it all, there runs The "Terrible Choice". If you don't know Orson Scott Card yet, this book will introduce you. If you know just a few of his books, this book will introduce you to aspects of Card that you never suspected.









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Orson Scott Card, From a precocious childhood, through practice at playwriting in college, early writing, and life-experiences from the mission field in Brazil to unemployment crises back in the USA, Orson Scott Card has become an established writer. He is best known for h, Orson Scott Card

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Orson Scott Card, From a precocious childhood, through practice at playwriting in college, early writing, and life-experiences from the mission field in Brazil to unemployment crises back in the USA, Orson Scott Card has become an established writer. He is best known for h, Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card

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Orson Scott Card, From a precocious childhood, through practice at playwriting in college, early writing, and life-experiences from the mission field in Brazil to unemployment crises back in the USA, Orson Scott Card has become an established writer. He is best known for h, Orson Scott Card

Orson Scott Card

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