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Litterature moderne du monde francophone Book

Litterature moderne du monde francophone
Litterature moderne du monde francophone, This anthology of multicultural authors who write in French includes 36 selections from most of the French-speaking world outside of France: sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, the Car, Litterature moderne du monde francophone has a rating of 2.5 stars
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Litterature moderne du monde francophone, This anthology of multicultural authors who write in French includes 36 selections from most of the French-speaking world outside of France: sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, the Car, Litterature moderne du monde francophone
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  • Litterature moderne du monde francophone
  • Written by author Peter S. Thompson
  • Published by McGraw-Hill Companies, The, July 1997
  • This anthology of multicultural authors who write in French includes 36 selections from most of the French-speaking world outside of France: sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, the Car
  • This anthology of multicultural authors who write in French includes 36 selections from most of the French-speaking world outside of France: sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, the
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Book Categories


1 Congo

Sony Labou Tansi Je soussigné cardiaque (extrait)

2 Gabon

Angèle Rawiri Fureurs et cris de femmes (extrait)

3 Cameroun

Mongo Beti Le Pauvre Christ de Bomba (extrait)

4 Côte-d’Ivoire

Bernard Dadié Un Nègre à Paris (extrait)

Véronique Tadjo Il faut que nous partions (extrait)

5 Sénégal

David Diop Certitude

Léopold Sédar Senghor In Memoriam

6 Maroc

Tahar Ben Jelloun La Chambre du Consul

7 Algérie

Réda Bensmaïa L’Année des passages (extrait)

Yacine Kateb Le Cadavre encerclé (extrait)

Rachid Mimouni L’Honneur de la tribu (extrait)

8 Tunisie

Albert Memmi L’Impasse (extrait de La Statue de sel)

9 Liban

Georges Shehadé La Soirée des proverbes (extrait)

10 Madagascar

Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo Les Trois Oiseaux

11 Réunion

André Cazamian Chanson

12 Cambodge

Makhâli Phâl A la terre

13 Viêt-nam

Pham Van Ky Une Nuit de délire

14 Nouvelle-Calédonie

Georges Baudoux Les Vieux savaient tout (extrait)

15 Guyane française

Léone Gontran Damas Black Label

16 Martinique

Aimé Césaire Bucolique

Une Tempête (extrait)

17 Guadeloupe

Simone Schwarz-Bart Pluie et vent sur Télumée

Miracle (extrait)

Guy Tirolien Prière d’un petit enfant nègre

18 Haîti

Renée Depestre Ode à Malcolm X

Jacques Roumain Les Gouverneurs de la rosée (extrait)

19 Louisiane

Louise Augustin Fortier La Folie aux roses

Zachary Richàrd Ma Louisiane

20 Nouvelle-Angleterre

Louis Dantin La Guerre de Cuba

Rémi Tremblay L’Emigré canadien

21 Québec

Anne Hébert Les Fous de Bassan (extrait)

Emile Nelligan Les Corbeaux

Hector de Saint-Denys Garneau Autrefois

22 Belgique

Georges Rodenbach Bruges-la-Morte (extrait)

Georges Simenon Nicolas

Emile Verhaeren Les Mendiants

23 Suisse

Corinna Bille Deux Passions (extrait)













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Litterature moderne du monde francophone, This anthology of multicultural authors who write in French includes 36 selections from most of the French-speaking world outside of France: sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, the Car, Litterature moderne du monde francophone

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Litterature moderne du monde francophone, This anthology of multicultural authors who write in French includes 36 selections from most of the French-speaking world outside of France: sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, the Car, Litterature moderne du monde francophone

Litterature moderne du monde francophone

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Litterature moderne du monde francophone, This anthology of multicultural authors who write in French includes 36 selections from most of the French-speaking world outside of France: sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, the Car, Litterature moderne du monde francophone

Litterature moderne du monde francophone

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