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Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities Book

Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities
Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities,  <i>Literature, Race and Ethnicity</i> is a text-anthology of American literature organized around issues of race and ethnicity.  Divided into nine units, the anthology gives focus to issues of race and ethnicity faced by members of different communities., Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities has a rating of 4 stars
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Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities, Literature, Race and Ethnicity is a text-anthology of American literature organized around issues of race and ethnicity. Divided into nine units, the anthology gives focus to issues of race and ethnicity faced by members of different communities., Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities
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  • Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities
  • Written by author Joseph Skerrett
  • Published by Longman, July 2001
  • Literature, Race and Ethnicity is a text-anthology of American literature organized around issues of race and ethnicity. Divided into nine units, the anthology gives focus to issues of race and ethnicity faced by members of different communities.
  • This anthology contains selected works that are part of the American discourse on race and ethnicity. The selections, dating from 1700 to the present, include fiction, poetry, historical documents, letters, advertisements, and speeches by authors such as
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1. Values: Invitations and Exclusions.

Thomas Jefferson et al., The Declaration of Independence.

Thomas Jefferson, from Notes on the State of Virginia.

Hector St. Jean de Crevecoeur, #3 from Letters from an American Farmer.

Benjamin Franklin, “Advice to Such as Would Remove to America.”

Frances E.W. Harper, “The Slave Auction.”

Frederick Douglass, Independence Day Speech.

Abraham Lincoln, The Emancipation Proclamation.

Indian Removal Act of 1837.

Red Jacket, 1805 Oration of Red Jacket.

Gertrude Bonnin/Zitkala-Sa, “Impressions of an Indian Childhood.”

2. Immigrants and Attitudes.

James McPherson, “Anti-Negro Mob Violence in the North. 1862-1863.”

G.F. Struckfuss, excerpt from Der Auswanderer nach America.

No Irish Need Apply.

Sign and Song.

Songs from Gold Mountain.

Maxine Hong Kingston, “The Laws” from China Men.

Edith Maud Eaton (Sui Sin Far), “In the Land of the Free.”

Jacob Riis, The Mixed Crowd from How the Other Half Lives.

Abraham Cahan, “A Ghetto Wedding.”

Henry James, from The American Scene.

Constantine Panunzio, from The Soul of an Immigrant.

Eva Hoffman, from Lost in Translation: Life in a New Language.

Chitra Divakaruni, “Indian Movie, New Jersey.”

3. Citizens by Conquest.

From the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo (1848).

Speech of John C. Calhoun, January 4, 1848.

Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton, from The Squatter and the Don.

A. Corrido, “The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez”

Pat Mora, “Immigrants.”

Song Lyric, “America” by Stephen Sondheim from West Side Story.

Jesus Colon, “Bitter Sugar: Why Puerto Ricans Leave Home.”

Mark Twain, “To the Person Sitting in Darkness.”

Bienvenido Santos, “Immigration Blues.”


1. Memory and History.

Robert Hayden, “Runagate, Runagate.”

Lorraine Hansberry, from The Drinking Gourd.

W.E.B. De Bois, “Of Our Spiritual Strivings.”

David Henry Hwang, The Dance and the Railroad.

Photo of Civil Rights Movement event.

Countee Cullen, “Incident.”

Cyrus Cassells, “Soul Make a Path Through Shouting.”

Norman Rockwell, Saturday Evening Post cover “The Problem we All Live With.” (1964).

Executive Order 9066.

Hisaye Yamamoto, “The Legend of Miss Sasegawara.”

Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston and James Houston, from Farewell to Manzanar.

Garrett Hongo, “Something Whispered in the Snakunachi.”

Lorna Dee Cervantes, “Poema para los Californios Muertos.”

Luis Valdez, Los Vendidos.

2. Resentments and Nostalgias.

Aunt Jemima advertisement.

Alice Childress, from Like One of the Family.

John A. Williams, “Son in the Afternoon.”

Cigar store Indian statue.

Diane Burns, “Sure You Can Ask Me A Personal Question.”

Paula Gunn Allen, “Where I Come From Is Like This.”

Leslie Silko, “The Man to Send Rain Clouds.”

John Fante, “The Odyssey of Wop.”

Lloyd van Brundt, “Whites Without Money.”

Nicholasa Mohr, “The English Lesson.”

Lawson Inada, “Kicking the Habit.”

Gina Valdés, “English con Salsa.”

English-only campaign.

3. Transition and Transcendence: Connecting Past and Future.

Ralph Fassanella painting, “Subway Riders.”

Monica Krawczyk, “For Dimes and Quarters.”

Adrienne Rich, “Split at the Root: An Essay on Jewish identity.”

Paule Marshall, “To Da-Duh, in Memoriam.”

Louise Erdrich, “The Bingo van.”

Joy Harjo, “Remember.”

Hanay Geiogamah, Foghorn.

Martin Espada, “Imagine the Angels of Bread.”

Rudolfo Anaya, “In Search of Epifano.”


1. Desires and Identities.

Minstrelsy Music Cover.

Paul Laurence Dunbar, “Sympathy.”

Itabari Njeri, “What's in a Name?”

Julia Fields, “High on the Hog.”

“Frank Chin,” An Interview by Studs Perkel.

Toshio Mori, “Japanese Hamlet.”

Diana Chang, “Saying Yes.”

Cheryl Savageau, “Grandmother.”

Desi Arnaz & Lucille Ball, “Desi Arnaz & Lucille Ball.”

Michael Ventura, “Report from El Dorado.”

Lee Smith, “Dear Phil Donahue.”

“Peggy Terry,” An interview by Studs Terkel.

Ross Chambers, “The Unexamined.”

May Swenson, “Black Tuesday.”

Sherman Alexie, “A Drug Called Tradition.”

Bharati Mukherjee, “A Father.”

Leroy Quintana, “Legacy II”

2. Mixed Relations.

Antimiscegenation Laws.

William Faulkner, “Dry September.”

Daniella Gioseffi, “The Exotic Enemy.”

Wille Perdomo, “Nigger-Reecan Blues.”

Langston Hughes, “Cross.”

David Mura, “Secrets and Anger.”

Wendy Rose, “If I Am Too Brown or Too White for You.”

3. Toward the Multicultural.

Andrian Wong Shue, painting “Tropical Daydream.”

Jose Marti, “Our America.”

Jessica Hagedorn, “Homesick.”

Robert N. Hopkins, “Can the United States Assimilate the Wave of New Immigrants?”

Ishmael Reed, “America, the Multinational Society.”

Trey Ellis, “Guess Who's Coming to Seder”

John Leguizamo, “The Crossover King.”

Gloria Anzalqua, from Borderlands/La Frontera.

Tato Laviera, “AmeRícan”

Arjun Appadurai,“The Heart of Whiteness.”

Appendix: Writing About Literature and Culture.













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Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities,  <i>Literature, Race and Ethnicity</i> is a text-anthology of American literature organized around issues of race and ethnicity.  Divided into nine units, the anthology gives focus to issues of race and ethnicity faced by members of different communities., Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities

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Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities,  <i>Literature, Race and Ethnicity</i> is a text-anthology of American literature organized around issues of race and ethnicity.  Divided into nine units, the anthology gives focus to issues of race and ethnicity faced by members of different communities., Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities

Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities

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Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities,  <i>Literature, Race and Ethnicity</i> is a text-anthology of American literature organized around issues of race and ethnicity.  Divided into nine units, the anthology gives focus to issues of race and ethnicity faced by members of different communities., Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities

Literature, Race, and Ethnicity: Contesting American Identities

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