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Jock February 1988 Magazine

Jock February 1988, jock magazine 1988 back issues valentine special explicit cock shots nude men huge cocks big musclem, Coverguy Dan Parsons Photographed by Paige has a rating of 5 stars
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Jock February 1988, jock magazine 1988 back issues valentine special explicit cock shots nude men huge cocks big musclem, Coverguy Dan Parsons Photographed by Paige
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  • Coverguy Dan Parsons Photographed by Paige
  • Baker's Dozen: Smiling Pie Maker Creamed With 13 Inch Pud
  • Aaron Adams & Adam Rose
  • Cruising For Dick
  • Our Spectacular Valentine Issue!

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A guest editorial from Catalina Video's Chris Mann
Readers wax ecstatic!
What jogging can lead to!
Model Dan Parsons / Photos by Paige
Hot stories from hot readers!
A Valentine Fantasy featuring David Burrill
Hot want ads from hot wanting men!
Further adventures of our own private dick!
Model Aaron Adams / Photos by Paige!
Model Adam Rose / Photos by Paige
They Grow 'Em Big from Catalina Video

I'm sick of hearing how everybody hates their job. How everyone's being cheated. How nobody's over paid and under worked. Well. I say fuck you. It's your own damn fault if you can't get your act together and make something of yourself. And blaming the poor guy that was stupid enough to hire you to do the simple-assed job you're probably doing now doesn't cut it.
It's you. You're to blame and only you. I don't care if you have a jobless lazy-assed lover to keep or a family of nine to support, you're new in town, you're too old to start a new job, you don't have any specialty skills or whatever.
If you're unhappy with your job or the money you're making, sit down and think for a moment with whatever's left of your mind.
If you live in the free world you've got it made. Capitalism is the finest form of government/system designed because if offers everybody ... yes, even your seemingly talentless, worthless self a shot at making it big. And it can happen. But it won't happen unless you get off your ass and do it.
I hear it all the time. Whimpering complaints. Like the answer is supposed to fall from the sky if you cry hard enough. And worse than that are the assholes who are working their butts off out there for twelve grand a year. and will for the rest of their lives. who think that's the way of the world. You're morons. You're losers. You're nobodies. And you're never going to amount to more than a hill of shit until you make the change. And only you can do it. Only you can make it happen.
If you're an entrepreneur at heart then you'll never be able to work for anyone else and be happy. So figure out a way to do it on your own. Or in a partnership that allows the best of each partner's talents to be most effectively exercised.
What is it you really want to do? That's step one. Finding out what it is that makes you happy—or would make you happy if you were to do it.
Everyone wants to be a star. Everyone wants to be be rich. Everyone wants to be better than everybody else and that's great. Great to the point that it gives you the incentive. Now you just have to make the incentive a reality.
The key is confidence. You have to have the confidence in yourself. In your abilities. Confidence in your mind and your decision making. The right decisions. You'd be amazed how easy it can be to get whatever it is that you want by just having the balls to go for it. To go in and take it. Take it because it's yours. You've earned it.
Start something up. Create a business on your own. The true key to making whatever it is that you do successful is to provide quality. Quality that does not exceed the cost efficiency or effectiveness of your company. So pricing becomes a major factor.
Never be cheap. Nobody trusts things that are too cheap. And you'll find more customer complaints flying at you when you're a fickle and dime operation than you will if you simply design and price your service or product sensibly.
The losers who get out there and try it on their own are the ones who try to undercut all of the competition. In order to do it and get away with it the quality goes down the chute. And after a very short period of time, so does the business.
People want quality and good pricing. And in that order. They'll pay more—and not mind doing so—if its worth it. If your product has quality. If your service is reliable.
It takes money to make money. So if you're broke, don't use that to excuse your failure. There are countless financial institutions and individuals out there more than willing to lend or invest. But you've got to get a business plan put together that makes sense and offers the money man confidence in your abilities to pull it off. To make it happen so they don't lose out. And they're not dummies. Remember—they're the ones with the money, so they've already made it.
Cheer up. It's not as impossible as it may at times seem. Happiness in life is true success. You can't have one without the other. So get out there and do what it is that makes you happy and you'll make the success that you're after.
Good luck,
Casey Lee Klinger
Chairman of the Board









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Jock February 1988, jock magazine 1988 back issues valentine special explicit cock shots nude men huge cocks big musclem, Coverguy Dan Parsons Photographed by Paige

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Jock February 1988, jock magazine 1988 back issues valentine special explicit cock shots nude men huge cocks big musclem, Coverguy Dan Parsons Photographed by Paige

Jock February 1988

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Jock February 1988, jock magazine 1988 back issues valentine special explicit cock shots nude men huge cocks big musclem, Coverguy Dan Parsons Photographed by Paige

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