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Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes Book

Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes
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Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes, Wrestling the Hulk How many people can say they stood up against wrestler Hulk Hogan and came out victorious? Linda Hogan did just that. After twenty-four years of dealing with his cheating, mistreatment, and lies, Linda needed to step out of , Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes
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  • Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes
  • Written by author Linda Hogan
  • Published by HarperCollins Publishers, 6/28/2011
  • Wrestling the Hulk How many people can say they stood up against wrestler Hulk Hogan and came out victorious? Linda Hogan did just that. After twenty-four years of dealing with his cheating, mistreatment, and lies, Linda needed to step out of
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Wrestling the Hulk

How many people can say they stood up against wrestler Hulk Hogan and came out victorious? Linda Hogan did just that. After twenty-four years of dealing with his cheating, mistreatment, and lies, Linda needed to step out of her marriage ring and start a new life.

In Wrestling the Hulk, the woman who was loved by television audiences for being the supportive wife and mother on VH1's hit show Hogan Knows Best is now revealing for the first time what life with the wrestling icon was really like behind the scenes. Linda takes readers through some of her most personal moments: from her first intimate experiences with Terry Bollea (aka Hulk Hogan) to their ringside courtship, from helping him launch a successful career and start a family to the crumbling of their marriage because of infidelity.

After two decades of being "Mrs. Hulk Hogan," Linda finally summoned the courage to move on and love her life. She has found happiness in a new relationship with a younger man, proving that it's never too late to start over.









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Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes, <em>Wrestling the Hulk</em>
How many people can say they stood up against wrestler Hulk Hogan and came out victorious? Linda Hogan did just that. After twenty-four years of dealing with his cheating, mistreatment, and lies, Linda needed to step out of , Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes

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Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes, <em>Wrestling the Hulk</em>
How many people can say they stood up against wrestler Hulk Hogan and came out victorious? Linda Hogan did just that. After twenty-four years of dealing with his cheating, mistreatment, and lies, Linda needed to step out of , Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes

Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes

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Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes, <em>Wrestling the Hulk</em>
How many people can say they stood up against wrestler Hulk Hogan and came out victorious? Linda Hogan did just that. After twenty-four years of dealing with his cheating, mistreatment, and lies, Linda needed to step out of , Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes

Wrestling the Hulk: My Life on the Ropes

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