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Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer Book

Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer
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Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer, Gives you step-by-step instructions for creating commercial-quality applications. Hits the ground running and takes you through a simple programming project in the first chapter, without reams of introduction. Provides in-depth coverage of VB 4's powerful, Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer
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  • Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer
  • Written by author Peter Aitken
  • Published by Coriolis Group,U.S., 1995/11/16
  • Gives you step-by-step instructions for creating commercial-quality applications. Hits the ground running and takes you through a simple programming project in the first chapter, without reams of introduction. Provides in-depth coverage of VB 4's powerful
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Gives you step-by-step instructions for creating commercial-quality applications. Hits the ground running and takes you through a simple programming project in the first chapter, without reams of introduction. Provides in-depth coverage of VB 4's powerful new database development features. Contains tools to help you create VB 4 database applications, and demo VB 4 applications that show you how to develop with custom controls. Features OCX and VBX custom controls you can use to develop your own VB 4 applications, and all the VB 4 projects from the book, including all source code, graphics, and project files.

Visual Basic Programming EXplorer examines Microsoft's new visual programming features. Peter Aitken covers Visual Basic's abilities, from simple declarative system utilities to relational databases and multimedia presentations. Includes a diskette with source code.









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Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer, Gives you step-by-step instructions for creating commercial-quality applications. Hits the ground running and takes you through a simple programming project in the first chapter, without reams of introduction. Provides in-depth coverage of VB 4's powerful, Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer

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Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer, Gives you step-by-step instructions for creating commercial-quality applications. Hits the ground running and takes you through a simple programming project in the first chapter, without reams of introduction. Provides in-depth coverage of VB 4's powerful, Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer

Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer

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Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer, Gives you step-by-step instructions for creating commercial-quality applications. Hits the ground running and takes you through a simple programming project in the first chapter, without reams of introduction. Provides in-depth coverage of VB 4's powerful, Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer

Visual Basic 4 Programming Explorer

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