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Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection Book

Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection
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Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection, From odes in memory of her mother to poetry that educates younger readers about her heroes, Nickadia Daniels offers verse that is spiritually revolutionary. The distinctive tone of her work is informed by a legacy of unbridled promise and thwarted dreams., Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection
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  • Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection
  • Written by author Nickadia Daniels
  • Published by Trafford Publishing, 12/27/2012
  • From odes in memory of her mother to poetry that educates younger readers about her heroes, Nickadia Daniels offers verse that is spiritually revolutionary. The distinctive tone of her work is informed by a legacy of unbridled promise and thwarted dreams.
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From odes in memory of her mother to poetry that educates younger readers about her heroes, Nickadia Daniels offers verse that is spiritually revolutionary. The distinctive tone of her work is informed by a legacy of unbridled promise and thwarted dreams. Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday is a collection of poetry that relays an empowering spirit of love, memorializing people of hope and moments of purpose. The passionate style of her work brings the trials and triumphs of her life and dreams to reality.

Her poetry gives a view into her experiences covering a wide range of emotions-laughter, tears, triumph, and disappointment-and exploring the past, the present, and the future. Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday portrays experiences inspiring yet heartfelt sentiments that are universal to human existence.


Through the mirrors of my mind Day after day I see reflections of life itself

Reflections of all the days of old I can see it as if it were today When I was a slave and you Were the boss Yes, I must agree that times Have changed but yet I am not free It seems you still have a bond over me

Through the mirrors of my mind As my heart pound I see reflections of life today Reflections of what life should be Reflections of what it means to me









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Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection, From odes in memory of her mother to poetry that educates younger readers about her heroes, Nickadia Daniels offers verse that is spiritually revolutionary. The distinctive tone of her work is informed by a legacy of unbridled promise and thwarted dreams., Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection

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Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection, From odes in memory of her mother to poetry that educates younger readers about her heroes, Nickadia Daniels offers verse that is spiritually revolutionary. The distinctive tone of her work is informed by a legacy of unbridled promise and thwarted dreams., Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection

Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection

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Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection, From odes in memory of her mother to poetry that educates younger readers about her heroes, Nickadia Daniels offers verse that is spiritually revolutionary. The distinctive tone of her work is informed by a legacy of unbridled promise and thwarted dreams., Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection

Today, Tomorrow, Yesterday: A Poetry Collection

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