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The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy Book

The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy
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The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy, The new digital media offers us an unprecedented memory capacity, an ubiquitous communication channel and a growing computing power. How can we exploit this medium to augment our personal and social cognitive processes at the service of human development?, The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy
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  • The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy
  • Written by author Pierre L?vy
  • Published by Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated, 1/22/2013
  • The new digital media offers us an unprecedented memory capacity, an ubiquitous communication channel and a growing computing power. How can we exploit this medium to augment our personal and social cognitive processes at the service of human development?
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The new digital media offers us an unprecedented memory capacity, an ubiquitous communication channel and a growing computing power. How can we exploit this medium to augment our personal and social cognitive processes at the service of human development? Combining a deep knowledge of humanities and social sciences as well as a real familiarity with computer science issues, this book explains the collaborative construction of a global hypercortex coordinated by a computable metalanguage. By recognizing fully the symbolic and social nature of human cognition, we could transform our current opaque global brain into a reflexive collective intelligence.









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The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy, The new digital media offers us an unprecedented memory capacity, an ubiquitous communication channel and a growing computing power. How can we exploit this medium to augment our personal and social cognitive processes at the service of human development?, The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy

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The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy, The new digital media offers us an unprecedented memory capacity, an ubiquitous communication channel and a growing computing power. How can we exploit this medium to augment our personal and social cognitive processes at the service of human development?, The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy

The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy

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The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy, The new digital media offers us an unprecedented memory capacity, an ubiquitous communication channel and a growing computing power. How can we exploit this medium to augment our personal and social cognitive processes at the service of human development?, The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy

The Semantic Sphere 1: Computation, Cognition and Information Economy

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