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The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates Book

The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates
The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates, Fourteen essays from internationally renowned scholars examine over 150 years of the Austrian comic tradition. Written with the general reader and the specialist in mind, the topics range from Blumauer in the late eighteenth century to Horváth in the twen, The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates has a rating of 4 stars
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The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates, Fourteen essays from internationally renowned scholars examine over 150 years of the Austrian comic tradition. Written with the general reader and the specialist in mind, the topics range from Blumauer in the late eighteenth century to Horváth in the twen, The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates
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  • The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates
  • Written by author John R. P. McKenzie
  • Published by Edinburgh University Press, August 1998
  • Fourteen essays from internationally renowned scholars examine over 150 years of the Austrian comic tradition. Written with the general reader and the specialist in mind, the topics range from Blumauer in the late eighteenth century to Horváth in the twen
  • Topics range from Blumauer in the late eighteenth century to Horváth in the twentieth. An introductory essay explores the notion of the comic tradition, while a central core of essays deals with the work of Johann Nestroy, one of the leading figure
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Notes on Abbreviations
W.E. Yates: A Bibliography
An Austrian Comic Tradition?3
Heroes in their Underclothes: Aloys Blumauer's Travesty of Virgil's Aeneid24
The Comedies of Johanna von Weissenthurn41
Nestroy and Schiller58
Music in Nestroy's Plays71
Nestroy's 'Epic' Theatre86
Nestroy and Slavery102
'Crying out loud in silence': Social Inequality in Nestroy's Die Gleichheit der Jahre118
Nestroy's Zwey ewige Juden und Keiner: a Tale of Three Cities130
Friedrich Halm and the Comic Muse145
Bloodshed in the Balkans: Robert Scheu, Karl Kraus and a Question of Satire160
The Aristocratic Philanderer: Reflections on Hofmannsthal's Der Schwierige176
'Stop all the Clocks': Time and Times in the 'Vienna Operas' of Hofmannsthal and Strauss185
The Significance of the Irrational in Horvath's Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald202
Viennese Theatre History (on W.E. Yates, Theatre in Vienna: A Critical History, 1776-1995)221
Mauriz Schuster and Hans Schikola, Das alte Wienerisch. Ein kulturgeschichtliches Worterbuch230
Konrad Kuster, Mozart. A Musical Biography; Vjera Katalinic (ed.), Off-Mozart. Musical Culture and the 'Kleinmeister' of Central Europe 1750-1820231
Hartmut Lauthutte and Karl Moseneder (eds), Adalbert Stifter: Dichter und Maler, Denkmalpfleger und Schulmann232
Gabriele von Glasenapp, Aus der Judengasse: Zur Entstehung und Auspragung deutschsprachiger Ghettoliteratur im 19. Jahrhundert234
Mark H. Gelber, Hans Otto Horch and Sigurd Paul Scheichl (eds), Von Franzos zu Canetti: Judische Autoren aus Osterreich235
Lorna Martens, Shadow Lines. Austrian Literature from Freud to Kafka; Katherine Arens, Austria and Other Margins: Reading Culture236
Anton Mayer, Theater in Wien um 1900. Der Dichterkreis Jung Wien239
Karin J. Jusek, Auf der Suche nach der Verlorenen. Die Prostitutions-debatten im Wien der Jahrhundertwende240
Beatrix Hoffmann-Holter, 'Abreisendmachung': Judische Fluchtlinge in Wien 1914 bis 1923241
Anne C. Shreffler, Webern and the Lyric Impulse: Songs and Fragments on Poems of Georg Trakl243
Roger Paulin and Peter Hutchinson, Rilke's 'Duino Elegies': Cambridge Readings244
Elizabeth Boa, Kafka: Gender, Class, and Race in the Letters and Fictions245
Alexander Stillmark (ed.), Joseph Roth: Der Sieg uber die Zeit. Londoner Symposium248
'It's Up to Us!' Collected Works of Jura Soyfer, selected and translated by Horst Jarka249
Christopher J. Thornhill, Walter Benjamin and Karl Kraus: Problems of a 'Wahlverwandtschaft'252
Hilde Haider-Pregler and Beate Reiterer (eds), Verspielte Zeit: Osterreichisches Theater der 30er Jahre255
Susanne Rode-Breymann, Die Wiener Staatsoper in den Zwischen-kriegsjahren: Ihr Beitrag zum zeitgenossischen Musiktheater258
Jutta Raab Hansen, NS-verfolgte Musiker in England. Spuren deutscher und osterreichischer Fluchtlinge in der britischen Musikkultur259
Waltraud Strickhausen, Die Erzahlerin Hilde Spiel oder 'Der weite Wurf in die Finsternis'263
Steven W. Lawrie, Erich Fried: A Writer without a Country265
Wolfgang Fleischer, Das verleugnete Leben. Die Biographie des Heimito von Doderer267
Siegfried Beer (ed.), Die 'britische' Steiermark 1945-1955268
Gudrun Kuhn, Ein philosophisch-musikalisch geschulter Sanger: Musikasthetische Uberlegungen zur Prosa Thomas Bernhards270
Herbert Zeman (ed.), Literaturgeschichte Osterreichs: Von den Anfangen im Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart271
Notes on Contributors274
Austrian Studies279









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The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates, Fourteen essays from internationally renowned scholars examine over 150 years of the Austrian comic tradition. Written with the general reader and the specialist in mind, the topics range from Blumauer in the late eighteenth century to Horváth in the twen, The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates

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The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates, Fourteen essays from internationally renowned scholars examine over 150 years of the Austrian comic tradition. Written with the general reader and the specialist in mind, the topics range from Blumauer in the late eighteenth century to Horváth in the twen, The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates

The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates

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The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates, Fourteen essays from internationally renowned scholars examine over 150 years of the Austrian comic tradition. Written with the general reader and the specialist in mind, the topics range from Blumauer in the late eighteenth century to Horváth in the twen, The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates

The Austrian Comic Tradition: A Festschrift for W. E. Yates

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