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Secrets from Beyond the Grave Book

Secrets from Beyond the Grave
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Secrets from Beyond the Grave, From books, to movies, to TV shows, heaven, hell, and the afterlife are popular subjects today. Perry Stone brings his unique blend of Bible knowledge, prophecy, and spiritual insight to the topic in this comprehensive look at the afterlife. If you do bel, Secrets from Beyond the Grave
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  • Secrets from Beyond the Grave
  • Written by author Perry Stone
  • Published by Charisma Media, September 07, 2010
  • From books, to movies, to TV shows, heaven, hell, and the afterlife are popular subjects today. Perry Stone brings his unique blend of Bible knowledge, prophecy, and spiritual insight to the topic in this comprehensive look at the afterlife. If you do bel
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Table of Contents

Introduction: The Dead Are Praying for You Not to Go Where They Are!

In one location, the dead are praying you will never come there. In the other location, there is a High Priest making intercession for you that you will finish your journey and wake up in the paradise of God. You will choose your destiny.

1 Journey Beyond the Grave

When a sinner departs from any part of the world, there may not be just one entrance to the underworld, but just as there are twelve gates in the New Jerusalem, there may be ten to twelve magnetic gates that actually lead to the underworld.

2 The Dead Sea—the Area of the Future Lake of Fire

If we go back hundreds of thousands of years and explore the historical references related to the Dead Sea, it becomes evident that there is a huge underground fire burning under the sea. Because the Dead Sea is the lowest spot on earth, the underground chambers are actually closer to the surface of the earth’s crust there than in any other place on earth. Early historians wrote that fire would be seen creeping upon the ground in the very area where Sodom once existed.

3 I Met a Man Who Saw Hell

I will never forget a man I met in 1978 who was attending my grandfather John Bava’s church. He related a very eye-opening and frightening experience, which changed his life. He experienced firsthand a journey into hell.

4 What Do the Dead Know?

In this chapter we hope to answer many of the questions believers have related to heaven. Before we explore what we will know in heaven, let’s discover what heaven knew about earth.

5 Secrets of Paradise—Abode of the Righteous Dead

Christians have been hearing about heaven for centuries. However, few have heard detailed teaching about Paradise. Heaven is the place where believers from both covenants will meet in eternity, but Paradise is the place the righteous dead in Christ are resting until the moment of their resurrection.

6 More Secrets of the Third Heaven

The apostle Paul speaks of being caught up into the third heaven. Among many of the ancient beliefs and religions, it was taught that there were seven levels of heaven. This concept may have originated with the fact that the ancients believed there were seven major lights in heaven, or seven objects that could be seen with the naked eye. These were the five main planets along with the sun and moon. The Jewish menorah in the temple had seven golden branches, which, according to Josephus, was a picture of the seven heavenly planets.

7 Man Is a Three-Part Being—One Part Dies, and Two Parts Live

The body is simply the physical-flesh part of the person. The soul and spirit are a part of the breath of God, which gives us life in our bodies and life eternal. The spirit of a man is the eternal part of all humans, which will never die, but will either spend eternity with God or separated from God.

8 The Mystery of Near Death Experiences

There seems to be four common things that happen at the moment a person is dying or encounters an afterlife experience.

9 The Greatest Homecoming Ever Known

The greatest homecoming ever known will occur on a set day that is known to no one except to God Himself (Matt 2:36). At an appointed time, those dwelling in Paradise will return with the Lord as their bodies will be resurrected and joined with their spirits to form an immortal body. Those of us living will be changed in a moment of time, and we will be caught up to meet the departed saints in the air, and forever we will be with the Lord (1 Thess. 4:16–17).

10 The Time-Light Mysteries and Eternity

At death, we depart the world of three dimensions and enter a realm of at least seven dimensions. Travel is possible at immeasurable speeds, and there is no time to count, other than how God uses earth time to fulfill prophetic events.

11 Who Will Be in Heaven and Who Will Be Missing?

Most Christians have three major questions: 1. Will there be aborted spirits of infants in heaven? 2. Will my pet be in heaven? 3. Will people who have never heard the Gospel be in heaven?

12 The Bema and the Great White Throne Judgments

The Book of Revelation identifies two different judgments that will occur in heaven. The first is a judgment for believers, and the second is a judgment for unbelievers and for those who die during the millennial reign of Christ.

13 How Will You Be Remembered?

How men and women will view your departure is all up to you. You choose your own destiny. You decide the paths you take and where they will ultimately lead you. The same is true concerning your eternal destination. Where will you end up?









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Secrets from Beyond the Grave, From books, to movies, to TV shows, heaven, hell, and the afterlife are popular subjects today. Perry Stone brings his unique blend of Bible knowledge, prophecy, and spiritual insight to the topic in this comprehensive look at the afterlife. If you do bel, Secrets from Beyond the Grave

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Secrets from Beyond the Grave, From books, to movies, to TV shows, heaven, hell, and the afterlife are popular subjects today. Perry Stone brings his unique blend of Bible knowledge, prophecy, and spiritual insight to the topic in this comprehensive look at the afterlife. If you do bel, Secrets from Beyond the Grave

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Secrets from Beyond the Grave, From books, to movies, to TV shows, heaven, hell, and the afterlife are popular subjects today. Perry Stone brings his unique blend of Bible knowledge, prophecy, and spiritual insight to the topic in this comprehensive look at the afterlife. If you do bel, Secrets from Beyond the Grave

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