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Off the Wall Book

Off the Wall
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Off the Wall, Ancient artifacts provoke fresh fear when a night at the museum goes from fun to freaky! Jane is ready for the time of her life. Tonight she and forty-nine other girls will be spending an actual night in a museum! At first, she's making lots of , Off the Wall
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  • Off the Wall
  • Written by author P.J. Night
  • Published by Simon Spotlight, 6/11/2013
  • Ancient artifacts provoke fresh fear when a night at the museum goes from fun to freaky! Jane is ready for the time of her life. Tonight she and forty-nine other girls will be spending an actual night in a museum! At first, she's making lots of
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Ancient artifacts provoke fresh fear when a night at the museum goes from fun to freaky!

Jane is ready for the time of her life. Tonight she and forty-nine other girls will be spending an actual night in a museum! At first, she's making lots of new friends and having a ton of fun, but the stakes get raised when one girl, Daria, dares her to take a tour of the museum after lights out. The girls have heard that one of the mummies in the Ancient Egyptian exhibit comes to life when the museum closes. Jane accepts the dare. After all, there's no way a mummy can come to life. Or is there? And are there, perhaps, other secrets that will be revealed in a museum at night?

This surprising story is rated a Level 4 on the Creep-o-Meter.









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Off the Wall, Ancient artifacts provoke fresh fear when a night at the museum goes from fun to freaky!
Jane is ready for the time of her life. Tonight she and forty-nine other girls will be spending an actual night in a museum! At first, she's making lots of , Off the Wall

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Off the Wall, Ancient artifacts provoke fresh fear when a night at the museum goes from fun to freaky!
Jane is ready for the time of her life. Tonight she and forty-nine other girls will be spending an actual night in a museum! At first, she's making lots of , Off the Wall

Off the Wall

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Off the Wall, Ancient artifacts provoke fresh fear when a night at the museum goes from fun to freaky!
Jane is ready for the time of her life. Tonight she and forty-nine other girls will be spending an actual night in a museum! At first, she's making lots of , Off the Wall

Off the Wall

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