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Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945 Book

Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945
Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945, The political and social activism of immigrants to Europe since 1945 takes the spotlight in this volume. Each of the twelve chapters draws on fresh research from international scholars who cover such conflict-ridden themes as autonomous migrant organizing, Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945 has a rating of 3 stars
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Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945, The political and social activism of immigrants to Europe since 1945 takes the spotlight in this volume. Each of the twelve chapters draws on fresh research from international scholars who cover such conflict-ridden themes as autonomous migrant organizing, Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945
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  • Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945
  • Written by author Wendy Pojmann
  • Published by Palgrave Macmillan, September 2008
  • The political and social activism of immigrants to Europe since 1945 takes the spotlight in this volume. Each of the twelve chapters draws on fresh research from international scholars who cover such conflict-ridden themes as autonomous migrant organizing
  • The political and social activism of immigrants to Europe since 1945 takes the spotlight in this volume. Each of the twelve chapters draws on fresh research from international scholars who cover such conflict-ridden themes as autonomous migrant organizing
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List of Tables

Introduction Wendy Pojmann Pojmann, Wendy

Pt. I Migrant Activists in National and Transnational Social Movements

1 For the Nation and for Work: Black Activism in Paris of the 1960s Felix Germain Germain, Felix 15

2 Dissident Guests: Afro-Asian Students and Transnational Activism in the West German Protest Movement Quinn Slobodian Slobodian, Quinn 33

3 The Kurdish Conundrum in Europe: Political Opportunities and Transnational Activism Vera Eccarius-Kelly Eccarius-Kelly, Vera 57

4 The French "Sans-Papiers" Movement: An Unfinished Struggle Jane Freedman Freedman, Jane 81

Pt. II Migrant Activists in Trade Unions and Party Politics

5 The Example of a Communist Paper Aimed at Algerian Immigrants: L'Algerien en France (1950-1960) Caroline Izambert Izambert, Caroline 99

6 Parties of Muslim Persuasion and the Left in Ceuta, Spain Gabriel Alejandro Torres Colon Colon, Gabriel Alejandro Torres 111

7 Immigrants and the Brussels Labor Movement: Activism, Integration, and Exclusion since 1945 Eva Schandevyl Schandevyl, Eva 129

8 "From Camel-Boy to MP": The Politics of Agency and Exclusion in Swedish Political Parties Magnus Dahlstedt Dahlstedt, Magnus 151

Pt. III Migrant Activists and Organizations in Outsider Politics

9 State Management of Immigrant Organizations in Sweden Olgu Karan Karan, Olgu 175

10 "We're right here!": The Invisibility of Migrant Women in European Women's Movements - The Case of Italy Wendy Pojmann Pojmann, Wendy 193

11 The Political Participation of Berlin's Turkish Migrants in the Dual Citizenship and Headscarf Debates: A Multilevel Comparison Anna Boucher Boucher, Anna 209

12 French Dressing:Race, Gender, and the Hijab Story Judith Ezekiel Ezekiel, Judith 233

Bibliography 251

Index 271









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Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945, The political and social activism of immigrants to Europe since 1945 takes the spotlight in this volume. Each of the twelve chapters draws on fresh research from international scholars who cover such conflict-ridden themes as autonomous migrant organizing, Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945

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Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945, The political and social activism of immigrants to Europe since 1945 takes the spotlight in this volume. Each of the twelve chapters draws on fresh research from international scholars who cover such conflict-ridden themes as autonomous migrant organizing, Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945

Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945

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Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945, The political and social activism of immigrants to Europe since 1945 takes the spotlight in this volume. Each of the twelve chapters draws on fresh research from international scholars who cover such conflict-ridden themes as autonomous migrant organizing, Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945

Migration and Activism in Europe Since 1945

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