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Library Mouse: A Friend's Tale Book

Library Mouse: A Friend's Tale
Library Mouse: A Friend's Tale, , Library Mouse: A Friend's Tale has a rating of 4 stars
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Library Mouse: A Friend's Tale, , Library Mouse: A Friend's Tale
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  • Library Mouse: A Friend's Tale
  • Written by author Daniel Kirk
  • Published by Abrams, Harry N., Inc., March 2009
  • Celebrated writer and illustrator Daniel Kirk brings to life the joys of reading, writing, and sharing in this all-new Library Mouse adventure. Sam the library mouse loves to write, and the children love his little books, which he leaves on the lib
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Celebrated writer and illustrator Daniel Kirk brings to life the joys of reading, writing, and sharing in this all-new Library Mouse adventure. Sam the library mouse loves to write, and the children love his little books, which he leaves on the library shelves for them to find. But no one at the library has ever met him. When Tom can’t find a partner for a book-making assignment and finds Sam’s secret hole behind the children’s reference section, will the pair be able to work together, or will Sam’s secret identity be spoiled forever? A heartwarming tale about collaboration and creative ambitions, this book will enchant any young aspiring author or illustrator.

Children's Literature

Sam, the perky creative mouse hero of Library Mouse, returns. The Writers and Illustrators Club's next project at the library is to be a joint one. Each author is to collaborate with an illustrator. Mrs. Forrester, the librarian, offers to work with young Tom, who has no ideas. One night, busy researching his next story, Sam falls asleep. He must hide when the children start arriving, and he leaves his notebook behind. Tom finds it. Suspicious, the boy follows inky footprints to Sam's mouse hole and realizes that the mysterious author must be a mouse. When Tom leaves cheese and a cracker for him, Sam hopes that the boy will forget about him. Instead, Tom is inspired to write a story about shy Sam. He leaves the story by the mouse hole, and Sam surprises Tom by illustrating it. Together, they keep the secret of Sam's identity. Kirk's crisp, detailed illustrations create distinct personalities in the anthropomorphic mouse and the small cast of humans. The attractive library is replete with books on shelves, book carts, tables, and more. Sam is introduced on the cover, pencil at the ready. Kirk includes a note emphasizing the cooperative teamwork of picture book authors and illustrators. Throughout the book, he shows a multitude of favorite books created by such teams. It's fun to see how many you can spot. Reviewer: Ken Marantz and Sylvia Marantz









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