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Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence Book

Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence
Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence, As parents, we used to feel secure in our children being safely watched over in our nation's schools. We drop them off in the morning, make sure they have their lunches and homework, kiss them good-bye, and happily go about our day- never even fathoming t, Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence has a rating of 1.5 stars
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Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence, As parents, we used to feel secure in our children being safely watched over in our nation's schools. We drop them off in the morning, make sure they have their lunches and homework, kiss them good-bye, and happily go about our day- never even fathoming t, Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence
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  • Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence
  • Written by author Mike Huckabee
  • Published by B&H Publishing Group, June 1998
  • As parents, we used to feel secure in our children being safely watched over in our nation's schools. We drop them off in the morning, make sure they have their lunches and homework, kiss them good-bye, and happily go about our day- never even fathoming t
  • Explores the crisis of kids killing kids. Proposing a return to family values, this book encourages everyone to learn from the horrors that struck such communities as Jonesboro and Paducah.
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As parents, we used to feel secure in our children being safely watched over in our nation's schools. We drop them off in the morning, make sure they have their lunches and homework, kiss them good-bye, and happily go about our day- never even fathoming that we may never again see their smile, hear their giggle, feel their touch, tuck them in at night... But, tragically, the families of the five victims of the Jonesboro shooting now know that pain. But Jonesboro is not the only town affected by misdirected, misunderstood children. While the media pounced on this story, seizing the opportunity to mount their proverbial soapboxes to address the issues, few- if any- took the time to really research the facts. "Experts" were quick to give their hasty analyses, turning this calamity into a pop symbol of our social decline. During this upheaval, Arkansas govenor Mike Huckabee met with the grieving people of Jonesboro, the victim's families, the Arkansas law enforcement officials, and felt compelled to address this issue- not as just another authoritative voice, but as a concerned citizen with a strong desire to move forward with hope, confidence, and security. Governor Huckabee uses the pages of this book to explore this crisis looming over our country. As a former pastor and state official, Huckabee has first-hand experience with the demise of our nation. This experience qualifies him to examine the cultural demoralization and the current fascination with anti-heroes. Huckabee pulls everything together and proposes a key to recovery- the return to basic values: faith, family, work, and community.









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Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence, As parents, we used to feel secure in our children being safely watched over in our nation's schools. We drop them off in the morning, make sure they have their lunches and homework, kiss them good-bye, and happily go about our day- never even fathoming t, Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence

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Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence, As parents, we used to feel secure in our children being safely watched over in our nation's schools. We drop them off in the morning, make sure they have their lunches and homework, kiss them good-bye, and happily go about our day- never even fathoming t, Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence

Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence

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Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence, As parents, we used to feel secure in our children being safely watched over in our nation's schools. We drop them off in the morning, make sure they have their lunches and homework, kiss them good-bye, and happily go about our day- never even fathoming t, Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence

Kids Who Kill: Confronting Our Culture of Violence

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