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Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems Book

Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems
Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems, This is an introductory survey of the history and recent development of Latin American economy and society from colonial times to the establishment of the military regime in Chile. In the second edition the historical perspective has been enlarged and imp, Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems has a rating of 3 stars
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Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems, This is an introductory survey of the history and recent development of Latin American economy and society from colonial times to the establishment of the military regime in Chile. In the second edition the historical perspective has been enlarged and imp, Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems
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  • Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems
  • Written by author Celso Furtado
  • Published by Cambridge University Press, April 1977
  • This is an introductory survey of the history and recent development of Latin American economy and society from colonial times to the establishment of the military regime in Chile. In the second edition the historical perspective has been enlarged and imp
  • This is an introductory survey of the history and recent development of Latin American economy and society from colonial times to the establishment of the military regime in Chile. In the second edition the historical perspective has been enlarged and imp
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Tables; Preface to second edition; Preface to first edition; Abbreviations; Maps;

Part I. From the Conquest to the Formation of Nation-States:

1. Introduction: the land and the people;
2. Economic and social background of the territorial occupation;
3. First half of the nineteenth century;

Part II. Entry into the System of International Division of Labour:
4. The transformation of international trade in the second half of the nineteenth century and its impact on Latin America;
5. Reorientation of the international economy in the present century;
6. Some indicators of the degree of development reached in Latin America;

Part III. The Traditional Structural Pattern:
7. Characteristics of agrarian structures;
8. Distribution and utilisation of the social income;
9. Monetary and foreign exchange systems;

Part IV. Characteristics of the Industrialisation Process:
10. The industrialisation process (i);
11. The industrialisation process (ii);
12. Imbalances created by import-substituting industrialisation: structural inflation;

Part V. Reorientation of Development in the Recent Period:
13. Evolution of macroeconomic structures;
14. Agricultural sector;
15. Industrial sector;
16. Inadequate growth and the reorientation of development;

Part VI. International Relations:
17. Traditional forms of external dependence;
18. New forms of external dependence;
19. Towards the restructuring of the international economy;

Part VII. Intra-Regional Relations:
20. Integration process in Central America;
21. LAFTA and the Andean group;

Part VIII. StructuralReconstruction Policies:
22. Economic planning experiments;
23. Agrarian reforms;
24. Economic aspects of the Cuban Revolution;
25. Present problems and prospects; Bibliography; Index.









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Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems, This is an introductory survey of the history and recent development of Latin American economy and society from colonial times to the establishment of the military regime in Chile. In the second edition the historical perspective has been enlarged and imp, Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems

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Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems, This is an introductory survey of the history and recent development of Latin American economy and society from colonial times to the establishment of the military regime in Chile. In the second edition the historical perspective has been enlarged and imp, Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems

Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems

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Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems, This is an introductory survey of the history and recent development of Latin American economy and society from colonial times to the establishment of the military regime in Chile. In the second edition the historical perspective has been enlarged and imp, Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems

Economic Development of Latin America: Historical Background and Contemporary Problems

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