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Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective Book

Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective
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Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective, In one of a series of Spanish/Swedish conferences, economic historians met in Lund in April 2001 to share views on the complex set of changes during the 19th and 20th centuries that are customarily called modernization, and the differences and similaritie, Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective
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  • Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective
  • Written by author Magnus Jerneck, Magnus Morner,
  • Published by Nordic Academic Press, 2003/10/30
  • In one of a series of Spanish/Swedish conferences, economic historians met in Lund in April 2001 to share views on the complex set of changes during the 19th and 20th centuries that are customarily called modernization, and the differences and similaritie
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Book Categories


Comparing modernity and change : an introduction 10
Sweden and Spain - different paths towards modernity? 18
Modernisation : an intellectual process and its counter-currents 31
The agricultural revolution in Sweden, ca 1700-1900 39
Spanish agriculture in the long run, 1760-1960 74
Education, nation-building and economic development : the Swedish case 106
A modern human capital stock : Spain in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries 122
Swedish industrialisation - a success story? 143
Spanish industrialisation in the Swedish mirror 151
Scandinavian urbanisation, 1850-1970 166
Spanish cities in a forgotten modernising process 181
Capital supply in Swedish modernisation 203
Capital and Spanish economic growth, 1900-1958 224
Modernisation and the demographic transition in Sweden 239
Demographic modernisation in Spain 272
Women's questions on the agenda : the politicisation of gender equality in Sweden 302
Fiscal policies and women's employment in the EU 318
Different paths, different time frames : Spanish and Swedish modernity 354









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Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective, In one of a series of Spanish/Swedish conferences, economic historians met in Lund in April 2001 to share views on the complex set of changes during the 19th and 20th centuries that are customarily called modernization, and the differences and similaritie, Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective

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Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective, In one of a series of Spanish/Swedish conferences, economic historians met in Lund in April 2001 to share views on the complex set of changes during the 19th and 20th centuries that are customarily called modernization, and the differences and similaritie, Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective

Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective

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Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective, In one of a series of Spanish/Swedish conferences, economic historians met in Lund in April 2001 to share views on the complex set of changes during the 19th and 20th centuries that are customarily called modernization, and the differences and similaritie, Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective

Different Paths to Modernity: A Nordic and Spanish Perspective

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