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Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought Book

Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought
Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought, There was a moment in the 1970s when sex was what mattered most to feminists. White middle-class women viewed sex as central to both their oppression and their liberation. Young women started to speak and write about the clitoris, orgasm, and masturbation, Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought has a rating of 3.5 stars
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Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought, There was a moment in the 1970s when sex was what mattered most to feminists. White middle-class women viewed sex as central to both their oppression and their liberation. Young women started to speak and write about the clitoris, orgasm, and masturbation, Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought
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  • Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought
  • Written by author Jane Gerhard
  • Published by Columbia University Press, March 2001
  • There was a moment in the 1970s when sex was what mattered most to feminists. White middle-class women viewed sex as central to both their oppression and their liberation. Young women started to speak and write about the clitoris, orgasm, and masturbation
  • In the 1970s sex was what mattered most to feminists. Gerhard asks why issues of sex and female pleasure came to matter so much to these "second-wave feminists." She shows how the radical ideas put forward by this generation of American women was a respon
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Introduction: Sex and the Feminist, 19701
Ch. 1Modern Women and Modern Marriage: Reinventing Female Heterosexuality13
Ch. 2Between Freudianism and Feminism: Sexology's Postwar Challenge51
Ch. 3Politicizing Pleasure: Radical Feminist Sexual Theory, 1968-197581
Ch. 4Desires and Their Discontents: Feminist Fiction of the 1970s117
Ch. 5Cultural Feminism: Reimagining Sexual Freedom, 1975-1982149
Conclusion: Negotiating Legacies in the Feminist Sex Wars, 1982183









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Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought, There was a moment in the 1970s when sex was what mattered most to feminists. White middle-class women viewed sex as central to both their oppression and their liberation. Young women started to speak and write about the clitoris, orgasm, and masturbation, Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought

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Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought, There was a moment in the 1970s when sex was what mattered most to feminists. White middle-class women viewed sex as central to both their oppression and their liberation. Young women started to speak and write about the clitoris, orgasm, and masturbation, Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought

Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought

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Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought, There was a moment in the 1970s when sex was what mattered most to feminists. White middle-class women viewed sex as central to both their oppression and their liberation. Young women started to speak and write about the clitoris, orgasm, and masturbation, Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought

Desiring Revolution: Second-Wave Feminism and the Rewriting of Twentieth-Century American Sexual Thought

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