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Advances in Computer Systems Architecture Book

Advances in Computer Systems Architecture
Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference, ACSAC 2004, held in Beijing, China in September 2004.
The 45 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 154 su, Advances in Computer Systems Architecture has a rating of 3 stars
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Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference, ACSAC 2004, held in Beijing, China in September 2004. The 45 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 154 su, Advances in Computer Systems Architecture
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  • Advances in Computer Systems Architecture
  • Written by author Pen-Chung Yew
  • Published by Springer-Verlag New York, LLC, January 2008
  • This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference, ACSAC 2004, held in Beijing, China in September 2004. The 45 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 154 su
  • This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference, ACSAC 2004, held in Beijing, China in September 2004.The 45 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 154 sub
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Some real observations on virtual machines1
Replica victim caching to improve reliability of in-cache replication2
Efficient victim mechanism on sector cache organization16
Cache behavior analysis of a compiler-assisted cache replacement policy30
Modeling the cache behavior of codes with arbitrary data-dependent conditional structures44
A configurable system-on-chip architecture for embedded devices58
An auto-adaptative reconfigurable architecture for the control72
Enhancing the memory performance of embedded systems with the flexible sequential and random access memory88
Heuristic algorithm for reducing mapping sets of hardware-software partitioning in reconfigurable system102
Architecture design of a high-performance 32-bit fixed-point DSP115
TengYue-1 : a high performance embedded SoC126
A fault-tolerant single-chip multiprocessor137
Initial experiences with dreamy memory and the RAMpage memory hierarchy146
dDVS : an efficient dynamic voltage scaling algorithm based on the differential of CPU utilization160
High performance microprocessor design methods exploiting information locality and data redundancy for lower area cost and power consumption170
Dynamic reallocation of functional units in superscalar processors185
Multiple-dimension scalable adaptive stream architecture199
Impact of register-cache bandwidth variation on processor performance212
Exploiting free execution slots on EPIC processors for efficient and accurate runtime profiling226
Continuous adaptive object-code re-optimization framework241
Initial evaluation of a user-level device driver framework256
A generation ahead of microprocessor : where software can drive uArchitecture to?270
A cost-effective supersampling for full scene AntiAliasing271
A simple architectural enhancement for fast and flexible elliptic curve cryptography over binary finite fields GF(2[superscript m])282
Scalable design framework for JPEG2000 system architecture296
Real-time three dimensional vision309
A router architecture for QoS capable clusters321
Optimal scheduling algorithms in WDM optical interconnects with limited range wavelength conversion capability335
Comparative evaluation of adaptive and deterministic routing in the OTIS-hypercube349
A two-level on-chip bus system based on multiplexers363
Make computers cheaper and simpler373
A low power branch predictor to selectively access the BTB374
Static techniques to improve power efficiency of branch predictors385
Choice predictor for free399
Performance impact of different data value predictors414
Heterogeneous networks of workstations426
Finding high performance solution in reconfigurable mesh-connected VLSI arrays440
Order independent transparency for image composition parallel rendering machines449
An authorization architecture oriented to engineering and scientific computation in grid environments461
Validating word-oriented processors for bit and multi-word operations473
Dynamic fetch engine for simultaneous multithreaded processors489
A novel rename register architecture and performance analysis503
A new hierarchy cache scheme using RAM and Pagefile515
An object-oriented data storage system on network-attached object devices527
A scalable and adaptive directory scheme for hardware distributed shared memory539
A compiler-assisted on-chip assigned-signature control flow checking554
A floating point divider performing IEEE rounding and quotient conversion in parallel568
Efficient buffer allocation for asynchronous linear pipelines by design space localization582









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Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference, ACSAC 2004, held in Beijing, China in September 2004.
The 45 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 154 su, Advances in Computer Systems Architecture

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Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference, ACSAC 2004, held in Beijing, China in September 2004.
The 45 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 154 su, Advances in Computer Systems Architecture

Advances in Computer Systems Architecture

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Advances in Computer Systems Architecture, This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th Asia-Pacific Computer Systems Architecture Conference, ACSAC 2004, held in Beijing, China in September 2004.
The 45 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 154 su, Advances in Computer Systems Architecture

Advances in Computer Systems Architecture

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