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Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival Book

Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival
Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival, This book uses the haikai verse and paintings of the brilliant, innovative artist Yosa Buson (1716-1783) as a focal point from which to explore how Japanese writers competed for artistic authority in a time when popular responses to economic, technologica, Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival has a rating of 4 stars
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Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival, This book uses the haikai verse and paintings of the brilliant, innovative artist Yosa Buson (1716-1783) as a focal point from which to explore how Japanese writers competed for artistic authority in a time when popular responses to economic, technologica, Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival
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  • Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival
  • Written by author Cheryl Crowley
  • Published by Brill Academic Publishers, Inc., December 2006
  • This book uses the haikai verse and paintings of the brilliant, innovative artist Yosa Buson (1716-1783) as a focal point from which to explore how Japanese writers competed for artistic authority in a time when popular responses to economic, technologica
  • This book uses the haikai verse and paintings of the brilliant, innovative artist Yosa Buson as a focal point from which to explore how early modern Japanese writers competed for artistic authority and social prestige.
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List of illustrations     viii
Acknowledgements     ix
Introduction     1
Buson, the Bunjin (Literati), and the Basho Revival     14
Buson and His Audience: Anxiety And Transcendence     35
Anxiety and the Formation of a Poet: Hokku 1740-1770     52
An Unarmed Blossom Guard: Hokku 1771-1783     93
Resisting Communality: Linked Verse Sequences     130
Buson and Haiga     165
Epilogue     244
Appendix     249
Bibliography     292
Cited Buson Hokku     301
Index     304









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Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival, This book uses the haikai verse and paintings of the brilliant, innovative artist Yosa Buson (1716-1783) as a focal point from which to explore how Japanese writers competed for artistic authority in a time when popular responses to economic, technologica, Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival

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Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival, This book uses the haikai verse and paintings of the brilliant, innovative artist Yosa Buson (1716-1783) as a focal point from which to explore how Japanese writers competed for artistic authority in a time when popular responses to economic, technologica, Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival

Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival

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Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival, This book uses the haikai verse and paintings of the brilliant, innovative artist Yosa Buson (1716-1783) as a focal point from which to explore how Japanese writers competed for artistic authority in a time when popular responses to economic, technologica, Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival

Haikai Poet Yosa Buson and the Basho Revival

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