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Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back! Book

Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!
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Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!, This book is presented as a coaching guide to explain how your author's more than fifty-year personal struggle to find the Holy Grail of personal development, emotional health, and a happier life has come true, as it will for you! Neuroplasticity: , Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!
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  • Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!
  • Written by author John Lindsay OBrien
  • Published by First Edition Design ebook Publishing, 4/11/2012
  • This book is presented as a coaching guide to explain how your author's more than fifty-year personal struggle to find the Holy Grail of personal development, emotional health, and a happier life has come true, as it will for you! Neuroplasticity:
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This book is presented as a coaching guide to explain how your author's more than fifty-year personal struggle to find the Holy Grail of personal development, emotional health, and a happier life has come true, as it will for you!

Medical research in this relatively new field of study has only recently discovered that we can literally, physically alter the neuro-pathways in our brains and change our life-long negative thinking habits. Thinkiatry's A.N.T. extermination principles and process are now a valid medical research supported self-therapy and coaching objective process millions can discover and use to alter the emotional landscape of their lives for the better, forever.

A.N.T. - Automatic Negative Thinking. . .
. . . is something all of us do every day; yet, almost all of us are totally and, as you will soon learn, tragically unaware of how this centuries old, life-long, human habit controls our emotional well-being, physical health, and the quality of each individual's day-to-day life.

On a broader scale, human ANT colonies, like snowflakes, are unique; dramatically and collectively influencing world politics, governments, economies, religions and the quality of life for billions of people around the world.

Based upon the preceding statements, only briefly introducing the importance of ANTS to billions of lives, most would logically expect that they would be a universal core subject of study and discussion for young and old alike in schools, universities, media commentary, and daily human interaction throughout the world. However, the odds are about 99% that you have never heard of an ANT without more than two legs to walk on.

To your author's knowledge, after more than fifty years of personal emotional struggle, research and study, we have for centuries ignored our ANTS as nothing more than a function of being alive just like our breathing, heartbeat, and other bodily functions - "It's just the way life is." It's not anymore!

The following is merely a partial list of emotional conditions that can be self-treated and significantly reduced, or in some cases eliminated, as we learn to use Thinkiatry's Principles and Process to exterminate our individually unique ANT Colonies to experience lasting emotional health and happiness in our lives:

Divorce Weight problems Stress Anxiety Addictions Anger Sadness Hatred Obesity Jealousy Insecurity Bullying Loneliness Arrogance Hypocrisy Fear

Become a Thinkiatrist and join the happiest, emotionally healthy people on earth!









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Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!, This book is presented as a coaching guide to explain how your author's more than fifty-year personal struggle to find the Holy Grail of personal development, emotional health, and a happier life has come true, as it will for you!
, Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!

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Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!, This book is presented as a coaching guide to explain how your author's more than fifty-year personal struggle to find the Holy Grail of personal development, emotional health, and a happier life has come true, as it will for you!
, Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!

Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!

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Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!, This book is presented as a coaching guide to explain how your author's more than fifty-year personal struggle to find the Holy Grail of personal development, emotional health, and a happier life has come true, as it will for you!
, Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!

Live A Happier A.N.T. Free Life or Your Money Back!

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