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If Not Me, Then Who? Book

If Not Me, Then Who?
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If Not Me, Then Who?, Much has been said of the principle of thinking globally and acting locally. I have found this not only to be true, but with vision and determination, I realize that local successes may also release the forces of a perpetual cycle that in turn leads to im, If Not Me, Then Who?
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  • If Not Me, Then Who?
  • Written by author E. Cabell Brand
  • Published by iUniverse, Incorporated, 7/21/2010
  • Much has been said of the principle of thinking globally and acting locally. I have found this not only to be true, but with vision and determination, I realize that local successes may also release the forces of a perpetual cycle that in turn leads to im
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Much has been said of the principle of thinking globally and acting locally. I have found this not only to be true, but with vision and determination, I realize that local successes may also release the forces of a perpetual cycle that in turn leads to improving global conditions.

After more than eight decades, I've seen the world as it has been, but also as I believe it can be. I have dedicated most of my life contributing to what I believe is a vision of how to help create that world. I've been a soldier, an entrepreneur, a public servant and an advocate for society's less-fortunate. Because I have been blessed in succeeding at those endeavors, I believe my experiences, especially at the local level, and my vision may be helpful to others who want to be part of building a better future for all of society, a society that seems in the last several years to have been losing its way.









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If Not Me, Then Who?, Much has been said of the principle of thinking globally and acting locally. I have found this not only to be true, but with vision and determination, I realize that local successes may also release the forces of a perpetual cycle that in turn leads to im, If Not Me, Then Who?

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If Not Me, Then Who?, Much has been said of the principle of thinking globally and acting locally. I have found this not only to be true, but with vision and determination, I realize that local successes may also release the forces of a perpetual cycle that in turn leads to im, If Not Me, Then Who?

If Not Me, Then Who?

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If Not Me, Then Who?, Much has been said of the principle of thinking globally and acting locally. I have found this not only to be true, but with vision and determination, I realize that local successes may also release the forces of a perpetual cycle that in turn leads to im, If Not Me, Then Who?

If Not Me, Then Who?

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