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Accidents Waiting to Happen Book

Accidents Waiting to Happen
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Accidents Waiting to Happen, Criminals aren't the only ones with prices on their heads. Everyone is worth more dead than alive. Josh Michaels discovers that he's simply a dollar figure when his car is forced into the Sacramento River. The person who caused the accident doesn't help, , Accidents Waiting to Happen
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  • Accidents Waiting to Happen
  • Written by author Simon Wood
  • Published by Barclay Books (FL), 2002/07/01
  • Criminals aren't the only ones with prices on their heads. Everyone is worth more dead than alive. Josh Michaels discovers that he's simply a dollar figure when his car is forced into the Sacramento River. The person who caused the accident doesn't help,
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Criminals aren't the only ones with prices on their heads. Everyone is worth more dead than alive. Josh Michaels discovers that he's simply a dollar figure when his car is forced into the Sacramento River. The person who caused the accident doesn't help, but instead flashes him a "thumbs down" gesture.
Josh survives, but the accidents don't stop. Every time he dodges one, someone close to him dies. And Josh isn't alone. Other people are dying in bizarre accidents all over the US and not one of these events holds up as an accident under intense scrutiny.
Josh's accidents unearth old skeletons. His blackmailing ex-mistress returns, demanding another pound of flesh. She threatens to expose the kickback he took to pay for his daughter's medical bills if she doesn't get paid.
In a desperate race to keep his crime a secret, rid himself of his blackmailer and hold onto his marriage, he must discover why there is a target on his back.









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Accidents Waiting to Happen, Criminals aren't the only ones with prices on their heads. Everyone is worth more dead than alive. Josh Michaels discovers that he's simply a dollar figure when his car is forced into the Sacramento River. The person who caused the accident doesn't help, , Accidents Waiting to Happen

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Accidents Waiting to Happen, Criminals aren't the only ones with prices on their heads. Everyone is worth more dead than alive. Josh Michaels discovers that he's simply a dollar figure when his car is forced into the Sacramento River. The person who caused the accident doesn't help, , Accidents Waiting to Happen

Accidents Waiting to Happen

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Accidents Waiting to Happen, Criminals aren't the only ones with prices on their heads. Everyone is worth more dead than alive. Josh Michaels discovers that he's simply a dollar figure when his car is forced into the Sacramento River. The person who caused the accident doesn't help, , Accidents Waiting to Happen

Accidents Waiting to Happen

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