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Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers Book

Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers
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Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers, As 1999 came to a close and a new century began, these were the celebrities who stood apart from the rest, the ones who helped shape the last five decades into an era of matchless entertainment. This is Entertianment Weekly's choice for the top 100. From , Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers
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  • Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers
  • Written by author Entertainment Weekly Magazine Staff
  • Published by Time Warner International, 2000/08/01
  • As 1999 came to a close and a new century began, these were the celebrities who stood apart from the rest, the ones who helped shape the last five decades into an era of matchless entertainment. This is Entertianment Weekly's choice for the top 100. From
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As 1999 came to a close and a new century began, these were the celebrities who stood apart from the rest, the ones who helped shape the last five decades into an era of matchless entertainment. This is Entertianment Weekly's choice for the top 100. From Marlon Brando to the Beatles, from Julia Roberts to Jerry Seinfeld, Entertainment Weekly's 100 Greatest Entertainers 1950-2000 celebrates the stars who defined pop culture post- World War II- just as television and rock and roll were beginning to captivate the country. These are the matinee idols, the musical geniuses, and the industry trailblazers whose artistry and talents have made them the most fascinating personalities of our time.









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Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers, As 1999 came to a close and a new century began, these were the celebrities who stood apart from the rest, the ones who helped shape the last five decades into an era of matchless entertainment. This is Entertianment Weekly's choice for the top 100. From , Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers

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Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers, As 1999 came to a close and a new century began, these were the celebrities who stood apart from the rest, the ones who helped shape the last five decades into an era of matchless entertainment. This is Entertianment Weekly's choice for the top 100. From , Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers

Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers

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Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers, As 1999 came to a close and a new century began, these were the celebrities who stood apart from the rest, the ones who helped shape the last five decades into an era of matchless entertainment. This is Entertianment Weekly's choice for the top 100. From , Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers

Entertainment Weekly: The 100 Greatest Entertainers

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