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Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos Book

Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos
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Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos, Navajo and Pueblo Earrings is the first book to explain and illustrate the different types of Native American earrings and the types of materials used. The accumulation of this collection allowed the author to gather new information made possible b, Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos
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  • Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos
  • Written by author Robert Bauver, Chadwick Tanner, Robert V. Gallegos
  • Published by LPD Press, 9/28/2006
  • Navajo and Pueblo Earrings is the first book to explain and illustrate the different types of Native American earrings and the types of materials used. The accumulation of this collection allowed the author to gather new information made possible b
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Navajo and Pueblo Earrings is the first book to explain and illustrate the different types of Native American earrings and the types of materials used. The accumulation of this collection allowed the author to gather new information made possible by having a variety of examples to study. During the 1960s and 1970s, the market for old earrings was meager and they had little or no pawn value. As a result, many examples remained in the Pueblos, on the Navajo reservation, in the back rooms of trading posts and curio stores and in old collections. The history of the Native earring in the Southwest and how they were used is shown with documentation through the last two hundred years. Archival photos and new photos of the historic Native earrings give the reader examples of the over 300 pairs of earrings that originally made up this collection.









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Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos, <i>Navajo and Pueblo Earrings</i> is the first book to explain and illustrate the different types of Native American earrings and the types of materials used. The accumulation of this collection allowed the author to gather new information made possible b, Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos

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Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos, <i>Navajo and Pueblo Earrings</i> is the first book to explain and illustrate the different types of Native American earrings and the types of materials used. The accumulation of this collection allowed the author to gather new information made possible b, Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos

Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos

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Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos, <i>Navajo and Pueblo Earrings</i> is the first book to explain and illustrate the different types of Native American earrings and the types of materials used. The accumulation of this collection allowed the author to gather new information made possible b, Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos

Navajo And Pueblo Earrings 1850-1945: Collected by Robert V. Gallegos

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