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Short Breaks Northern France Book

Short Breaks Northern France
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Short Breaks Northern France, Cadogan provides all the information visitors could ever need for a perfect day or weekend break in northern France; an area that can be reached quickly, easily, and cheaply from both London and Paris. Completely revised and updated, the guide covers thir, Short Breaks Northern France
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  • Short Breaks Northern France
  • Written by author Nick Rider
  • Published by Cadogan Guides, 2005/03/01
  • Cadogan provides all the information visitors could ever need for a perfect day or weekend break in northern France; an area that can be reached quickly, easily, and cheaply from both London and Paris. Completely revised and updated, the guide covers thir
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Cadogan provides all the information visitors could ever need for a perfect day or weekend break in northern France; an area that can be reached quickly, easily, and cheaply from both London and Paris. Completely revised and updated, the guide covers thirty choice destinations around the region, from St. Malo across Dunkirk to the Belgian border. Itineraries for each destination make planning simple, and feature reviews of mouth-watering restaurants, listings of special places to stay, and details of markets and shops where travelers can stock up on the local produce. After sampling the best of French hospitality, the guide explores a range of attractive places to visit, some familiar, some less so--Monet's garden at Giverny, Mont St-Michel, the great cathedrals of Amiens and Bayeux, the tranquil countryside of the Pays d'Auge, and charming small towns to wander around.









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Short Breaks Northern France, Cadogan provides all the information visitors could ever need for a perfect day or weekend break in northern France; an area that can be reached quickly, easily, and cheaply from both London and Paris. Completely revised and updated, the guide covers thir, Short Breaks Northern France

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Short Breaks Northern France, Cadogan provides all the information visitors could ever need for a perfect day or weekend break in northern France; an area that can be reached quickly, easily, and cheaply from both London and Paris. Completely revised and updated, the guide covers thir, Short Breaks Northern France

Short Breaks Northern France

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Short Breaks Northern France, Cadogan provides all the information visitors could ever need for a perfect day or weekend break in northern France; an area that can be reached quickly, easily, and cheaply from both London and Paris. Completely revised and updated, the guide covers thir, Short Breaks Northern France

Short Breaks Northern France

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