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The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950 Book

The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950
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The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950, Arranged chronologically, this book book charts the history and development of locomotives from 1830 to 1950, detailing the early British innovations in steam; the Battle of the Gauges; the American Mikados, Shays, Switchers, and Record Breakers; the earl, The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950
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  • The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950
  • Written by author Colin Garratt
  • Published by Lorenz Books, 1998/10/01
  • Arranged chronologically, this book book charts the history and development of locomotives from 1830 to 1950, detailing the early British innovations in steam; the Battle of the Gauges; the American Mikados, Shays, Switchers, and Record Breakers; the earl
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Arranged chronologically, this book book charts the history and development of locomotives from 1830 to 1950, detailing the early British innovations in steam; the Battle of the Gauges; the American Mikados, Shays, Switchers, and Record Breakers; the early Canadian freight trains; European mountain power; and the enduring steam locomotives of India and South America. 400+ color photos.









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The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950, Arranged chronologically, this book book charts the history and development of locomotives from 1830 to 1950, detailing the early British innovations in steam; the Battle of the Gauges; the American Mikados, Shays, Switchers, and Record Breakers; the earl, The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950

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The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950, Arranged chronologically, this book book charts the history and development of locomotives from 1830 to 1950, detailing the early British innovations in steam; the Battle of the Gauges; the American Mikados, Shays, Switchers, and Record Breakers; the earl, The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950

The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950

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The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950, Arranged chronologically, this book book charts the history and development of locomotives from 1830 to 1950, detailing the early British innovations in steam; the Battle of the Gauges; the American Mikados, Shays, Switchers, and Record Breakers; the earl, The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950

The Golden Age of Steam: A Celebration of the Locomotive from 1830 to 1950

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