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Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You Book

Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You
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Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You, Too often our later years are associated with declining health, loneliness and a greater dependence on others. The good news is that, no matter your current age, you can make real changes that will significantly alter both the perception and reality of ad, Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You
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  • Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You
  • Written by author Gloria Thomas
  • Published by Cassell P L C, 10/1/2003
  • Too often our later years are associated with declining health, loneliness and a greater dependence on others. The good news is that, no matter your current age, you can make real changes that will significantly alter both the perception and reality of ad
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Too often our later years are associated with declining health, loneliness and a greater dependence on others. The good news is that, no matter your current age, you can make real changes that will significantly alter both the perception and reality of advancing age. Through a fascinating inquiry into chronological, biological and psychological age, and a series of questionnaires, case studies and practical exercises, this remarkable guide demonstrates that we truly are only as old as we wish to be. Also included is the Think Yourself Young Yoga Workout, a program of gentle exercise, massage and meditation that can revitalize your body and reinvigorate your mind, helping you to release your untapped potential, reclaim your vitality and redefine what it means to get older.









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Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You, Too often our later years are associated with declining health, loneliness and a greater dependence on others. The good news is that, no matter your current age, you can make real changes that will significantly alter both the perception and reality of ad, Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You

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Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You, Too often our later years are associated with declining health, loneliness and a greater dependence on others. The good news is that, no matter your current age, you can make real changes that will significantly alter both the perception and reality of ad, Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You

Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You

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Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You, Too often our later years are associated with declining health, loneliness and a greater dependence on others. The good news is that, no matter your current age, you can make real changes that will significantly alter both the perception and reality of ad, Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You

Think Yourself Young : A Mind and Body Workout for a Younger, Fitter You

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