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Treasuring Emma Book

Treasuring Emma
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Treasuring Emma, Emma always put the needs of others ahead of her own. When will it be her turn to be treasured? Adam was her first love and best friend. But then he went away. Determined to experience the freedom of living in the Englisch world, he left , Treasuring Emma
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  • Treasuring Emma
  • Written by author Fuller, Kathleen
  • Published by Nelson, Thomas, Inc., 8/2/2011
  • Emma always put the needs of others ahead of her own. When will it be her turn to be treasured? Adam was her first love and best friend. But then he went away. Determined to experience the freedom of living in the Englisch world, he left
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Emma always put the needs of others ahead of her own. When will it be her turn to be treasured?

Adam was her first love and best friend. But then he went away. Determined to experience the freedom of living in the Englisch world, he left Emma heart-broken. How could he have chosen the world over her?

Now Adam is back in Middlefield and Emma can't seem to keep him away from her family's farm. But this time she's determiend to guard her heart. It might be love that keeps him there . . . or perhaps just guilt.

When a newcomer arrives in town and shows an interest in Emma, she dismisses Adam's insistence that she be cautious. All this attention is new to her and she doesn't know quite how to accept it. Emma knows her Heavenly Father treasures her. But will her new beau?









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Treasuring Emma, Emma always put the needs of others ahead of her own. When will it be her turn to be treasured?
Adam was her first love and best friend. But then he went away. Determined to experience the freedom of living in the <i>Englisch</i> world, he left , Treasuring Emma

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Treasuring Emma, Emma always put the needs of others ahead of her own. When will it be her turn to be treasured?
Adam was her first love and best friend. But then he went away. Determined to experience the freedom of living in the <i>Englisch</i> world, he left , Treasuring Emma

Treasuring Emma

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Treasuring Emma, Emma always put the needs of others ahead of her own. When will it be her turn to be treasured?
Adam was her first love and best friend. But then he went away. Determined to experience the freedom of living in the <i>Englisch</i> world, he left , Treasuring Emma

Treasuring Emma

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