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Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable Book

Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable
Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable, Told from a vantage point of long ago and far away, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves reconstructs-from the recently discovered journals of Ibrahim Barzouni-the tale of the ruler George W. Dubyiah Fratbush, son of the earlier monarch Wimpbush, and the F, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable has a rating of 3 stars
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Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable, Told from a vantage point of long ago and far away, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves reconstructs-from the recently discovered journals of Ibrahim Barzouni-the tale of the ruler George W. Dubyiah Fratbush, son of the earlier monarch Wimpbush, and the F, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable
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  • Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable
  • Written by author John Egerton
  • Published by NewSouth, Incorporated, October 2006
  • Told from a vantage point of long ago and far away, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves reconstructs-from the recently discovered journals of Ibrahim Barzouni-the tale of the ruler George W. "Dubyiah" Fratbush, son of the earlier monarch Wimpbush, and the F
  • Told from a vantage point of long ago and far away, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves reconstructs-from the recently discovered journals of Ibrahim Barzouni-the tale of the ruler George W. "Dubyiah" Fratbush, son of the earlier monarch Wimpbush, and the F
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Told from a vantage point of long ago and far away, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves reconstructs-from the recently discovered journals of Ibrahim Barzouni-the tale of the ruler George W. "Dubyiah" Fratbush, son of the earlier monarch Wimpbush, and the Fall of the American Empire. After Ali Dubyiah ascends to the kingship, his lust for power draws him into a gambit to take possession of the world, together with his band of thieves-including Dick Chaingang, Donald Rumsfailed, and Paul Werewolf. But how long can Ali Dubyiah lie, cheat, and steal before his subjects rise up against him?









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Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable, Told from a vantage point of long ago and far away, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves reconstructs-from the recently discovered journals of Ibrahim Barzouni-the tale of the ruler George W. Dubyiah Fratbush, son of the earlier monarch Wimpbush, and the F, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable

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Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable, Told from a vantage point of long ago and far away, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves reconstructs-from the recently discovered journals of Ibrahim Barzouni-the tale of the ruler George W. Dubyiah Fratbush, son of the earlier monarch Wimpbush, and the F, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable

Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable

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Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable, Told from a vantage point of long ago and far away, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves reconstructs-from the recently discovered journals of Ibrahim Barzouni-the tale of the ruler George W. Dubyiah Fratbush, son of the earlier monarch Wimpbush, and the F, Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable

Ali Dubyiah and the Forty Thieves: A Contemporary Fable

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