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Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean Book

Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean
Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean, Empire Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean is a wide-ranging collection which draws on Professor Craton's extensive writing on the history, culture and historiography of the British Caribbean, coherently organised in three thematic units. This book i, Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean has a rating of 4.5 stars
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Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean, Empire Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean is a wide-ranging collection which draws on Professor Craton's extensive writing on the history, culture and historiography of the British Caribbean, coherently organised in three thematic units. This book i, Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean
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  • Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean
  • Written by author Michael Craton
  • Published by Wiener, Markus Publishers, Incorporated, March 1997
  • Empire Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean is a wide-ranging collection which draws on Professor Craton's extensive writing on the history, culture and historiography of the British Caribbean, coherently organised in three thematic units. This book i
  • Empire Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean is a wide-ranging collection which draws on Professor Craton's extensive writing on the history, culture and historiography of the British Caribbean, coherently organised in three thematic units. This book i
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Pt. 1Colonisation and Imperialism
1The Historical Roots of the Plantation Model1
2The West Indies and North America33
3The Planters' World in the British West Indies51
4Property and Propriety: Land Tenure and Slave Property in the creation of a British West Indian Plantocracy, 1612-174068
5Caribbean Vice Admiralty Courts and British Imperialism104
6Planters, British Imperial Policy and the Black Caribs of St Vincent117
Pt. 2Slave Trade, Slavery and Slave Society
7The African background of American Slavery135
8Slavery and Slave Society in the British Caribbean149
9Jamaican Slavery161
10The Rope and the Cutlass: Slave Resistance in Plantation America185
11Hobbesian or Panglossian? The two extremes of Slave Conditions in the British West Indies, 1783-1834203
12Changing Patterns of Slave Family in the British West Indies233
Pt. 3Transformations and Continuities
13Slave Culture, Resistance and Emancipation in the British West Indies263
14Proto-Peasant Revolts? The late Slave Rebellions in the British West Indies, 1816-32282
15What and Who, to Whom and What: The significance of Slave Resistance in Capitalism and Slavery306
16Continuity not Change: Late Slavery and Post-Emancipation Resistance in the British West Indies324
17Changing Sugar Technology and the Labour Nexus: The Search for a Unified Field Theory348
18Reshuffling the Pack: The Transition from Slavery to other Forms of Labour in the British Caribbean, 1780-1890356
19Transition to Free Wage Labour in the British Caribbean, 1780-1890414
20A Recipe for the Perfect Calalu: Island and Regional Identity in the West Indies439









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Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean, Empire Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean is a wide-ranging collection which draws on Professor Craton's extensive writing on the history, culture and historiography of the British Caribbean, coherently organised in three thematic units. This book i, Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean

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Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean, Empire Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean is a wide-ranging collection which draws on Professor Craton's extensive writing on the history, culture and historiography of the British Caribbean, coherently organised in three thematic units. This book i, Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean

Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean

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Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean, Empire Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean is a wide-ranging collection which draws on Professor Craton's extensive writing on the history, culture and historiography of the British Caribbean, coherently organised in three thematic units. This book i, Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean

Empire, Enslavement and Freedom in the Caribbean

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