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The River of Dreams Book

The River of Dreams
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The River of Dreams, The River of Dreams is the blending of two wonderful experiences for you, the reader. One is the storytelling of the author's life, the other is the opportunity to learn new skills and gain new tools for making sense of your own life. The River of, The River of Dreams
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  • The River of Dreams
  • Written by author Barbara Smith
  • Published by AuthorHouse, 9/10/2007
  • The River of Dreams is the blending of two wonderful experiences for you, the reader. One is the storytelling of the author's life, the other is the opportunity to learn new skills and gain new tools for making sense of your own life. The River of
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The River of Dreams is the blending of two wonderful experiences for you, the reader. One is the storytelling of the author's life, the other is the opportunity to learn new skills and gain new tools for making sense of your own life.

The River of Dreams shares the author's journey that explores the study and practice of several religions and spiritual beliefs, from Christianity to Judaism, Native American traditions and Eastern philosophy; a life that transformed the author from a medical scientist into an expert in alternative healing modalities.

Barbara shares her discoveries in dream work, of dreams as precious offerings of information, insight and guidance from one's own intuition and wisdom. Her story offers you inspiration and hope, showing you how she has transformed "ordinary" experiences into the opportunity to live an extraordinary life, and guides you in how to do the same. The River of Dreams offers meditation exercises, questions for contemplation, and real-life applications to assist you in using the material on your own quest for deeper self-discovery and understanding.









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The River of Dreams, The River of Dreams is the blending of two wonderful experiences for you, the reader. One is the storytelling of the author's life, the other is the opportunity to learn new skills and gain new tools for making sense of your own life.

The River of, The River of Dreams

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The River of Dreams, The River of Dreams is the blending of two wonderful experiences for you, the reader. One is the storytelling of the author's life, the other is the opportunity to learn new skills and gain new tools for making sense of your own life.

The River of, The River of Dreams

The River of Dreams

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The River of Dreams, The River of Dreams is the blending of two wonderful experiences for you, the reader. One is the storytelling of the author's life, the other is the opportunity to learn new skills and gain new tools for making sense of your own life.

The River of, The River of Dreams

The River of Dreams

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