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Air Force Heroes in Vietnam Book

Air Force Heroes in Vietnam
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Air Force Heroes in Vietnam, The stories of the 12 Air Force heroes who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam. The author, Major Schneider, has chosen a most unusual and effective way of presenting his material, for he is greatly concerned with the cont, Air Force Heroes in Vietnam
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  • Air Force Heroes in Vietnam
  • Written by author Donald K. Schneider
  • Published by University Press of the Pacific, 2003/01/07
  • "The stories of the 12 Air Force heroes who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam. The author, Major Schneider, has chosen a most unusual and effective way of presenting his material, for he is greatly concerned with the cont
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"The stories of the 12 Air Force heroes who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam. The author, Major Schneider, has chosen a most unusual and effective way of presenting his material, for he is greatly concerned with the contextual aspects of what he describes; that is, he devotes considerable attention to the history of the Medal itself, particularly insofar as airmen of earlier wars are concerned, to the aircraft which these latest recipients flew, and to the missions with which both the men and their machines were entrusted.
"These factors, then, are put in the context of the battle arena - Vietnam, with all of its special conditions and limitations. There 12 airmen of the United States Air Force acted with such courage, devotion, and utter selflessness that they were subsequently awarded the highest recognition that their country could bestow, the Medal of Honor. Three of the men died in the actions for which they were cited. But in one sense at least they and the others will never die, for their actions have insured that their names will live as long as determination, fidelity, bravery, and nobility of spirit are traits that human beings admire."

David L. Gray
Major General, United States Air Force
Commandant, Air War College









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Air Force Heroes in Vietnam, The stories of the 12 Air Force heroes who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam. The author, Major Schneider, has chosen a most unusual and effective way of presenting his material, for he is greatly concerned with the cont, Air Force Heroes in Vietnam

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Air Force Heroes in Vietnam, The stories of the 12 Air Force heroes who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam. The author, Major Schneider, has chosen a most unusual and effective way of presenting his material, for he is greatly concerned with the cont, Air Force Heroes in Vietnam

Air Force Heroes in Vietnam

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Air Force Heroes in Vietnam, The stories of the 12 Air Force heroes who were awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam. The author, Major Schneider, has chosen a most unusual and effective way of presenting his material, for he is greatly concerned with the cont, Air Force Heroes in Vietnam

Air Force Heroes in Vietnam

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