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Anatomy of Breathing Book

Anatomy of Breathing
Anatomy of Breathing, My hope is that [this book] will contribute to a more enlightened practice of breathing. I also hope that you, the reader, will have a better understanding of how breathing changes spontaneously from moment to moment. My other wish is that you will discov, Anatomy of Breathing has a rating of 5 stars
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Anatomy of Breathing, My hope is that [this book] will contribute to a more enlightened practice of breathing. I also hope that you, the reader, will have a better understanding of how breathing changes spontaneously from moment to moment. My other wish is that you will discov, Anatomy of Breathing
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  • Anatomy of Breathing
  • Written by author Blandine Calais-Germain
  • Published by Eastland Press, December 2006
  • My hope is that [this book] will contribute to a more enlightened practice of breathing. I also hope that you, the reader, will have a better understanding of how breathing changes spontaneously from moment to moment. My other wish is that you will discov
  • "My hope is that [this book] will contribute to a more enlightened practice of breathing. I also hope that you, the reader, will have a better understanding of how breathing changes spontaneously from moment to moment. My other wish is that you will disco
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Acknowledgements vii

Foreword viii

Preface ix

Chapter 1 Initial Observations About the Act of Breathing 11

Internal Respiration-External Respiration (Breathing) 15

Breathing: at First Glance, Always the Same Movement 18

Two Types of Breathing 24

Respiratory Volumes 25

Rates of Breathing 32

Section 1 Anatomical Pages 33

Chapter 2 The Skeleton's Role in Breathing 35

Bones Surrounding the Lungs 36

Thoracic "Cage": a Flexible Structure 37

Thoracic Cage as a Whole 38

Costal Arc and its Articulations 39

Ribs 40

Sternum 43

Spinal Column During Breathing 44

Pelvis 50

Shoulder Girdle 52

Cranial Bones 55

Chapter 3 Respiratory Organs 57

Lungs: Where Blood and Air Meet 58

Pulmonary Alveoli 60

Pleural Membrane: Double Envelope of the Lungs 62

Airway Passages 64

Chapter 4 Respiratory Muscles 79

Muscles of Inspiration 80

Other Muscles of Inspiration of the Rib Cage 87

Muscles of Expiration 96

Chapter 5 The Principal Forces Involved in Breathing 107

Muscles Act in Different Ways During Breathing 108

Pulmonary Elasticity: An Important Force in Breathing 110

Chapter 6 Forces Affecting Respiratory Volumes 117

Forces Involved in Breathing of Tidal Volume 118

Forces Involved in Inspiratory Reserve Volume (IRV) 120

Forces Involved in Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) 122

Forces Involved in the Rate of Breathing 124

Chapter 7 Relationships Among Anatomical Structures Involved in Breathing 125

Two Cavities that are Inseparable During Breathing 126

Respiratory Stops 130

Suspended Breaths 131

Chapter 8 Analysis of the Principal Types of Breathing 133

Diaphragmatic Breathing and its Variations 134

CostalBreathing and its Variations 141

Paradoxical Breathing 144

Two Mechanisms of Exhalation 146

Techniques for Decompressing the Abdominal Organs 150

Valsalva's Method 151

The Sigh: Relaxing the Diaphragm 152

Section 2

Chapter 9 Practice Pages 159

Preparing for Breathing Exercises 161

Diaphragmatic Inhalations 176

Costal Inhalation 189

Costal Exhalations 200

Abdominal Exhalations 202

Exercises for Respiratory Volumes 204

Conclusion 217

Bibliography 219









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Anatomy of Breathing, My hope is that [this book] will contribute to a more enlightened practice of breathing. I also hope that you, the reader, will have a better understanding of how breathing changes spontaneously from moment to moment. My other wish is that you will discov, Anatomy of Breathing

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Anatomy of Breathing, My hope is that [this book] will contribute to a more enlightened practice of breathing. I also hope that you, the reader, will have a better understanding of how breathing changes spontaneously from moment to moment. My other wish is that you will discov, Anatomy of Breathing

Anatomy of Breathing

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Anatomy of Breathing, My hope is that [this book] will contribute to a more enlightened practice of breathing. I also hope that you, the reader, will have a better understanding of how breathing changes spontaneously from moment to moment. My other wish is that you will discov, Anatomy of Breathing

Anatomy of Breathing

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