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England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells Book

England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells
England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells, Story of the carillon,the world's largest musical instrument; biography of author's father, bellfounder Cyril Johnston who introduced the carillon to North America in early 20th century. Author has intertwined her birth circumstances and motivations in wr, England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells has a rating of 3.5 stars
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England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells, Story of the carillon,the world's largest musical instrument; biography of author's father, bellfounder Cyril Johnston who introduced the carillon to North America in early 20th century. Author has intertwined her birth circumstances and motivations in wr, England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells
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  • England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells
  • Written by author Jill Johnston
  • Published by Cadmus Editions, March 2008
  • Story of the carillon,the world's largest musical instrument; biography of author's father, bellfounder Cyril Johnston who introduced the carillon to North America in early 20th century. Author has intertwined her birth circumstances and motivations in wr
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Book Categories


Acknowledgment     xi
Introduction     1
Arthur     7
Elstree     19
The Royal Exchange     29
The Millionaires' Church     41
Onward to Riverside     55
The King's Bell     69
Heavy Metal-the Mother of All Bourdons     83
Nineteen Eighty-Four     97
Coventry     111
Rodman Wanamaker's "Big Ben"     125
Jerusalem The Golden     141
The Bell(e)s of St. Mary's     157
Riverside Redux     173
500 Pounds with Interest     189
The Dutch Connection     203
Lunches at Beaulieu     219
Until Her Majesty's Pleasure Be Known     235
Epilog   Vox Domini     251
Notes     253
Cyril F. Johnston personal facts and genealogy     269
Descendants of James Johnston (family tree)     270
Descendants of Robert Johnston (family tree)     271
Carillons Worldwide   Cyril Frederick Johnston     273
Excerpt from lecture on bell casting   Cyril F. Johnston
Select Bibliography     279
Research Facilities     283
Glossary     287
Index     293









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England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells, Story of the carillon,the world's largest musical instrument; biography of author's father, bellfounder Cyril Johnston who introduced the carillon to North America in early 20th century. Author has intertwined her birth circumstances and motivations in wr, England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells

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England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells, Story of the carillon,the world's largest musical instrument; biography of author's father, bellfounder Cyril Johnston who introduced the carillon to North America in early 20th century. Author has intertwined her birth circumstances and motivations in wr, England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells

England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells

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England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells, Story of the carillon,the world's largest musical instrument; biography of author's father, bellfounder Cyril Johnston who introduced the carillon to North America in early 20th century. Author has intertwined her birth circumstances and motivations in wr, England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells

England's Child: The Carillon and the Casting of Big Bells

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