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Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960 Book

Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960
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Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960, Vintage John Deere provides a chronological history of the two-cylinder tractor using full-color photos and detailed captions along with reprints of old sales brochures. Author Dave Arnold describes the changes in design and styling, as well as, Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960
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  • Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960
  • Written by author Dave Arnold
  • Published by Town Square Books, 1997/05/31
  • Vintage John Deere provides a chronological history of the two-cylinder tractor using full-color photos and detailed captions along with reprints of old sales brochures. Author Dave Arnold describes the changes in design and styling, as well as
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Vintage John Deere provides a chronological history of the two-cylinder tractor using full-color photos and detailed captions along with reprints of old sales brochures.

Author Dave Arnold describes the changes in design and styling, as well as variation in types of tractors for different purposes, such as the Hi-Crop tractor for sugar cane farming. He also covers rare, limited-production John Deere tractors, including one model of which only 12 were made.

A chronological history through of the two-cylinder John Deere tractor produced through 1960 and highly prized by collectors. Clarifies changes in design & styling, as well as variations in tractors built for specific purposes. 10" x 8 1/2". Color photos. 112pp.









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Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960, <i>Vintage John Deere</i> provides a chronological history of the two-cylinder tractor using full-color photos and detailed captions along with reprints of old sales brochures. 
Author Dave Arnold describes the changes in design and styling, as well as, Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960

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Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960, <i>Vintage John Deere</i> provides a chronological history of the two-cylinder tractor using full-color photos and detailed captions along with reprints of old sales brochures. 
Author Dave Arnold describes the changes in design and styling, as well as, Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960

Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960

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Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960, <i>Vintage John Deere</i> provides a chronological history of the two-cylinder tractor using full-color photos and detailed captions along with reprints of old sales brochures. 
Author Dave Arnold describes the changes in design and styling, as well as, Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960

Vintage John Deere: Early History and the Two-Cylinder Years, 1837-1960

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