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Kansas City Chiefs Book

Kansas City Chiefs
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Kansas City Chiefs, It was fourth and inches. This play would determine the conference championship. Everyone in the stadium knew the ball would be given to Smith. The question was, could he be stopped ...? Great moments in the NFL can be the result of many things: a last, Kansas City Chiefs
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  • Kansas City Chiefs
  • Written by author Loren Stanley
  • Published by Creative Co (Sd), 1996/08/01
  • It was fourth and inches. This play would determine the conference championship. Everyone in the stadium knew the ball would be given to Smith. The question was, could he be stopped ...? Great moments in the NFL can be the result of many things: a last
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It was fourth and inches. This play would determine the conference championship. Everyone in the stadium knew the ball would be given to Smith. The question was, could he be stopped ...?

Great moments in the NFL can be the result of many things: a last-second field goal, a long pass, or even a short run. But no matter what the play is, the drama and the excitement of these brief moments quickly come alive for all of the frenzied fans.

For over fifteen years, Creative has been capturing these fantastic moments in our series on the National Football League. Now, in an all-new and completely revised version of your library's most popular books, we have updated the excitement for a new generation of readers. In 30 attractive volumes, Creative has chronicled the excitement and the history of each NFL team. Color photos, lively text and informative sidebars catch the readers' interest in pro football and awaken memories of their favorite plays and most admired players.

From the legends of old to the superstars of today, The NFL Today has it all. So order your books now and once again welcome the NFL to your library.

Traces the history of the team from its beginnings through 1999.









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Kansas City Chiefs, It was fourth and inches. This play would determine the conference championship. Everyone in the stadium knew the ball would be given to Smith. The question was, could he be stopped ...?
Great moments in the NFL can be the result of many things: a last, Kansas City Chiefs

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Kansas City Chiefs, It was fourth and inches. This play would determine the conference championship. Everyone in the stadium knew the ball would be given to Smith. The question was, could he be stopped ...?
Great moments in the NFL can be the result of many things: a last, Kansas City Chiefs

Kansas City Chiefs

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Kansas City Chiefs, It was fourth and inches. This play would determine the conference championship. Everyone in the stadium knew the ball would be given to Smith. The question was, could he be stopped ...?
Great moments in the NFL can be the result of many things: a last, Kansas City Chiefs

Kansas City Chiefs

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