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History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut Book

History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut
History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut, Originally published in 1933, this brief monograph provides an overview of Aleut prehistory, history, and culture. It details their skills in boat design, art, hunting, medicine, woodworking, and sewing, as well as describing their villages, social struct, History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut has a rating of 4.5 stars
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History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut, Originally published in 1933, this brief monograph provides an overview of Aleut prehistory, history, and culture. It details their skills in boat design, art, hunting, medicine, woodworking, and sewing, as well as describing their villages, social struct, History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut
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  • History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut
  • Written by author Waldemar Jochelson
  • Published by University of Utah Press, 2002/01/28
  • Originally published in 1933, this brief monograph provides an overview of Aleut prehistory, history, and culture. It details their skills in boat design, art, hunting, medicine, woodworking, and sewing, as well as describing their villages, social struct
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Book Categories


Ch. I History of the Discovery of the Aleutian Islands 1
Ch. II The Aleut 13
Sailing from the Shumagin Islands to Bering Sea 27
The Bering Island. The Landing. The Death of Bering 29
Ch. III Economic Activities of the Aleut 41
The Fur-Seal Fisheries 41
Killing of Fur Seals 44
Fishing 51
Bird Hunting 53
The Skin-Boat 55
Ch. IV Cultural Activities of the Aleut 59
Grass Work of Aleut Women 59
Grasses for Weaving 62
Edible Roots and Grasses 62
Games 63
Ornamental Figures and their Aleut Names 66
Ch. V Relationship System of the Aleut 69
Social and Historical Meaning of Terms 71
Form of Address 73
Aleut Personal Names Before Baptism 73
Ch. VI Mythology of the Aleut 75
An Epic Narrative of the Pribolof Islands 76
Amulets 77
Ch. VII Physical Types 79
Ch. VIII Measures of Time and Spaces 85
The Seasons 85
Aleut Measures 86
Cardinal Points 86
Bibliography 87









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History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut, Originally published in 1933, this brief monograph provides an overview of Aleut prehistory, history, and culture. It details their skills in boat design, art, hunting, medicine, woodworking, and sewing, as well as describing their villages, social struct, History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut

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History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut, Originally published in 1933, this brief monograph provides an overview of Aleut prehistory, history, and culture. It details their skills in boat design, art, hunting, medicine, woodworking, and sewing, as well as describing their villages, social struct, History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut

History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut

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History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut, Originally published in 1933, this brief monograph provides an overview of Aleut prehistory, history, and culture. It details their skills in boat design, art, hunting, medicine, woodworking, and sewing, as well as describing their villages, social struct, History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut

History, Ethnology, and Anthropology of the Aleut

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