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A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins Book

A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins
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A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins, An orphaned boy's story of loss, love, and eventual acceptance by the most unlikely people. Five-year-old Josh and his two older brothers lose their parents in a drunk-driving accident. A series of foster homes and a shocking tragedy eventually , A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins
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  • A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins
  • Written by author Trent, John, Smith, Annette
  • Published by Nelson, Thomas, Inc., 5/3/2011
  • An orphaned boy's story of loss, love, and eventual acceptance by the most unlikely people. Five-year-old Josh and his two older brothers lose their parents in a drunk-driving accident. A series of foster homes and a shocking tragedy eventually
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An orphaned boy's story of loss, love, and eventual acceptance by the most unlikely people.

Five-year-old Josh and his two older brothers lose their parents in a drunk-driving accident. A series of foster homes and a shocking tragedy eventually separate them, leaving Josh alone, angry, and distrustful of most everyone. At age eighteen, Josh strikes out on his own to find work. With only a high school education and few life skills, he is one step away from homelessness when Providence brings him to a place where he finds much more than physical shelter. For the first time in his life, Josh receives unconditional love and something every human being craves, the gift of "the blessing."

Includes an introduction and reader's guide designed to identify and discuss the five elements of the biblical blessing that every person needs. Readers are shown, through the power of Josh's story, how to give this gift to their children and others as outlined in the more than one million copy bestseller, The Blessing.









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A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins, An orphaned boy's story of loss, love, and eventual acceptance by the most unlikely people.
Five-year-old Josh and his two older brothers lose their parents in a drunk-driving accident. A series of foster homes and a shocking tragedy eventually , A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins

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A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins, An orphaned boy's story of loss, love, and eventual acceptance by the most unlikely people.
Five-year-old Josh and his two older brothers lose their parents in a drunk-driving accident. A series of foster homes and a shocking tragedy eventually , A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins

A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins

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A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins, An orphaned boy's story of loss, love, and eventual acceptance by the most unlikely people.
Five-year-old Josh and his two older brothers lose their parents in a drunk-driving accident. A series of foster homes and a shocking tragedy eventually , A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins

A Place Called Blessing: Where Hurting Ends and Love Begins

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