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Art of the Maya Scribe Book

Art of the Maya Scribe
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Art of the Maya Scribe, To the four great calligraphic traditions - ancient Egyptian, East Asian, Islamic, and western European - is now added a fifth: that of the ancient Maya. Long known but little understood, Maya writing has now largely been deciphered, leading to a new unde, Art of the Maya Scribe
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  • Art of the Maya Scribe
  • Written by author Michael D. Coe, Justin Kerr, Michael Cox
  • Published by Harry N. Abrams, 1998/03/01
  • To the four great calligraphic traditions - ancient Egyptian, East Asian, Islamic, and western European - is now added a fifth: that of the ancient Maya. Long known but little understood, Maya writing has now largely been deciphered, leading to a new unde
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To the four great calligraphic traditions - ancient Egyptian, East Asian, Islamic, and western European - is now added a fifth: that of the ancient Maya. Long known but little understood, Maya writing has now largely been deciphered, leading to a new understanding of the Maya scribes and the society in which they lived. This volume is the first to make full use of the latest research and the first to consider Maya writing both aesthetically and in terms of its meaning. Michael D. Coe begins by examining the origins and character of the script. He then explores the world of the scribes and "keepers of the holy books," decoding their depiction in Maya art and describing the mediums in which they worked, their tools, and techniques.









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Art of the Maya Scribe, To the four great calligraphic traditions - ancient Egyptian, East Asian, Islamic, and western European - is now added a fifth: that of the ancient Maya. Long known but little understood, Maya writing has now largely been deciphered, leading to a new unde, Art of the Maya Scribe

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Art of the Maya Scribe, To the four great calligraphic traditions - ancient Egyptian, East Asian, Islamic, and western European - is now added a fifth: that of the ancient Maya. Long known but little understood, Maya writing has now largely been deciphered, leading to a new unde, Art of the Maya Scribe

Art of the Maya Scribe

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Art of the Maya Scribe, To the four great calligraphic traditions - ancient Egyptian, East Asian, Islamic, and western European - is now added a fifth: that of the ancient Maya. Long known but little understood, Maya writing has now largely been deciphered, leading to a new unde, Art of the Maya Scribe

Art of the Maya Scribe

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