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A Bohemian Youth Book

A Bohemian Youth
A Bohemian Youth, Josef Hirsal's experimental novel is a Dada-like romp through the life of a young man born into a Bohemian peasant family. Told in five parts, the novel begins with a 'word to the wise,' moves on to the text proper, continues with notes and with notes to , A Bohemian Youth has a rating of 3 stars
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A Bohemian Youth, Josef Hirsal's experimental novel is a Dada-like romp through the life of a young man born into a Bohemian peasant family. Told in five parts, the novel begins with a 'word to the wise,' moves on to the text proper, continues with notes and with notes to , A Bohemian Youth
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  • A Bohemian Youth
  • Written by author Josef Hirsal
  • Published by Northwestern University Press, November 1997
  • Josef Hirsal's experimental novel is a Dada-like romp through the life of a young man born into a Bohemian peasant family. Told in five parts, the novel begins with a 'word to the wise,' moves on to the text proper, continues with notes and with notes to
  • Josef Hirsal's experimental novel is a Dada-like romp through the life of a young man born into a Bohemian peasant family. Told in five parts, the novel begins with a 'word to the wise,' moves on to the text proper, continues with notes and with notes to
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Josef Hirsal's experimental novel is a Dada-like romp through the life of a young man born into a Bohemian peasant family. Told in five parts, the novel begins with a 'word to the wise,' moves on to the text proper, continues with notes and with notes to the notes, and ends with a note on the notes to the notes. More than just a tongue-in-cheek parody of a literary memoir, however, A Bohemian Youth is social history of the first rank: it is a glimpse of the First Czechoslovak Republic as seen through the eyes of a young peasant firmly grounded in the provinces. It abounds in the kind of intimate detail not found in history books -- the manners of a Slovak servant girl; the mores of the town's homosexual; the sounds of popular music; the way people eat in wartime. At the same time, A Bohemian Youth is a wrenching and hilarious tale of its hero's emotional and sexual awakening.









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A Bohemian Youth, Josef Hirsal's experimental novel is a Dada-like romp through the life of a young man born into a Bohemian peasant family. Told in five parts, the novel begins with a 'word to the wise,' moves on to the text proper, continues with notes and with notes to , A Bohemian Youth

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A Bohemian Youth, Josef Hirsal's experimental novel is a Dada-like romp through the life of a young man born into a Bohemian peasant family. Told in five parts, the novel begins with a 'word to the wise,' moves on to the text proper, continues with notes and with notes to , A Bohemian Youth

A Bohemian Youth

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A Bohemian Youth, Josef Hirsal's experimental novel is a Dada-like romp through the life of a young man born into a Bohemian peasant family. Told in five parts, the novel begins with a 'word to the wise,' moves on to the text proper, continues with notes and with notes to , A Bohemian Youth

A Bohemian Youth

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